Chapter 7

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Hey people!!!!!!!!! By people!!!!!!!


I woke up to see Liam stairing at me. I smile and just get up. I sigh and he gives me a questioning look. "What?" he asks, sitting up. "Is... This going to fast? Cause I don't want to be tricked. Do you....... Never mind I don't even know if you like me yet a kiss can just be a meaningless kiss but I liked it but you probably didn't!" I said, pacing around the room, mostly talking to myself. I was about to talk again when Liam said something. "I like you, I like your soft lips, I like your smile, and the way you laugh. We are fine. Nothing is wrong with 'us', ok?" He said. I froze, looking at him with wide eyes and my mouth slightly open. "R-really? you actually like me?! this has never happened to me before!" I say, jumping on his lap and hugging him. He lifted my chin up, looking into my eyes. He leaned in, and our lips connected. It only lasted two seconds this time, though. We parted and I looked at him, a smile on my face. "I just hope everything works out..." I say as we got up. "I am gonna go but I will be back in like, forty minuets!" He said. He pecked my lips and left. I went down stairs to see sky and a bunch of girls. I stood by sky and they gave me a weird look. "We are NOT hanging out with a bitch. She is rude to our best friend, so that is enough to hate her." One said. They all agreed and walked away. I sighed. "Don't mind them. They are best friends with that slut amber. They think your a bitch because Liam broke up with Amber for you. Are you even dating?" She asked. "No, but he might ask me.... I just don't know." I said. We walk into the kitchen to see November laughing with the kids. Their eyes sparkle like they have never been respected their hole life.... mabey they haven't....... I sat down and talked with them.

After a wile Liam walked in. He had a LOT of mc Donald's. he gave all the kids a egg sandwich , a hash brown, and orange juice. I just watch and smile. He walks over to me handing me a drink and egg sandwich. I say thank you and eat a little. I give the rest to a little girl. "So, how ya been?" Liam asked me when we where alone. I just look down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers. "Listen, I know it's hard, but you have me and Hailey-" he started but I cut him off. "I don't have Hailey. She won't want to hang out with a murderer....... Or a orphan...." I said, a tear rolling silently down my face. Twice as much fell down my face as I curled into a ball. "Bailey..." Liam said hugging me. I just shake my head and lean into him. "I just wish my stupid birth mom wasn't... Well.... Stupid!" I said. "I know.but I will be there so will Sky and November...... I- never mind. But I really lo- like you." He said. I know what he was going to say... That he loves me...... But do I love him? It is kinda too soon for that.... I mean yeah I got used to his affection FAST but love? I don't know..... That's like saying I want to spend my whole life with you. Don't get me wrong, I know I will love him someday I might even now. But I won't admit it now..... But maybe later. "Well, I've gotta go. School is tomorrow. I will be by to pick you up at six, ok?" He said as I looked at him with tear stained cheeks. I nodded and he gave me a quick kiss and left. The more I thought about it the worse I feel. I killed my birth father..... My own flesh and blood...... I have no family except for Luke and Niall....... I am lonely. I walk in the bathroom and stair at my reflection. Suddenly, a shinny object catches my eye..... A razor. I think about it for a moment. It won't hurt to try, would it. Before I can stop myself my shaking hand is grabbing the sharp razor. I shakily bring it up to my wrist...





They each get deeper. I put the sharp object down and watch the blood trickle down my wrist. No one can know...... But now that it started..... I like it....... And I can't stop......


Ohhhhhh no! I know this is like any other fan fic, but it dose just for now..... Just wait it will not be like ohhhhhh they found out!!!!! Ahhhhh! It will be different.... Well, byyyyy stay beautiful!


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