Chapter 9

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I am now parking at the hotel one direction is staying at. I run in, despite the fact that it is pouring. I walk in and see them walking into the elevator. I run to the other one going to the floor they went to. Mine opens as they walk out. "LIAM!" I yell. He turns around and his smile grows wide. "BAILEY!" He yelled. I run and jump into his arms, crying into his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry! I missed you." I whisper. I look over his shoulder to see Niall smiling wide. I jump off him and hug him too. "I missed you Niall." I said. "I missed you too." He says. "Ok, let me give my girlfriend a kiss." Liam said. He turned me around, grabbing my waist and giving me a sweet, 10 second kiss. I broke apart and smiled. "I missed your lips." I say, putting my head on his. I pull down my sleeves, cautious of my cuts. Old and new. He looks at me, knowing why I am. "W-what's wrong?" He asked. I bring my hand's down. "Nothing, I am gonna call November so I can tell her where I am." I say. "Ok, want me to come with you?" He says, grabbing my waist and pulling me close. I rest my four head on his and bring my arms around his neck. "Yeah." I say.

We had called November and her and Sky are coming. "So, we have two hours, what do you wanna do?" Liam asked and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled away. "We" I said. "Ok. So how is life?" He said. "Hailey is with Amber now, you and Niall left, I got back in school after a week of dropping out, and Sky is going to my school now." I say. He nodded and smiles. "What about you?" I ask. "I have been writing a song.....about you." He said. I smile. What's it called?" I ask. "You will see..... Just wait." He said. I stair at him with puppy dog eyes. "Fine! It's called....." He started then stopped. "Keep going!" I say, laughing and pushing him. He tumbles back off the bed and I loose balance and fall the opposite way. "It's called Steal my girl." He said. (AN:sorry I know that they just started with their career and they made the song Steal my girl more into their career but oh we'll :) ) I smile. "How dose it go?" I ask and crawl over the bed. I smile down at him. He is laying on his back with his hands behind his head. I just lay across the bed and we both are smiling like freaks. Suddenly I herd the click of a camera. My head snapped towards the door to see a boy with tab skin and black hair smirking at us. I don't even know him but I jump up and tackle him, grabbing the camera. I run into the hall with it and get in a elevator. "HI!" I hear someone yell as the doors closed. I jumped and turned around to see a boy with brown hair.... I think he was in one direction..... Louis maybe? "Hi?" I say. "I'm Louis!" He said. "I-I'm Bailey...." I say, kinda scared. "Liam's girlie friend?" He asked. "Y-yeah." I whisper and look down. "Oh, cool!" He said. Suddenly the door opened and Zayn tackled me. "NOOO HELP! RAPE RAPE RAPE!" I yell. Zayn gets the camera and runs with it. "YOU WILL DIE!" I yell. "Wow, never thought I would hear you yell any time soon!" Louis said. I shrug and run to Liam's room. I hear him talking. "I have to break up with her? Her name is Danielle? Why? Fine." He said. I walk in. "W-what's wrong." I ask. "Let's go to the mall." He said.

We where at the mall. He stopped right in the middle of the mall and mouthed sorry and I love you to me. I saw a huge group of paparazzi.... "W-what's going-" I started but Liam surprised me but cutting me off. "NO! HOW COULD YOU?!" He yelled. "What are you-" I started again. "NO! I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR CRAP BITCH! GOD!" He yelled and paced back and fourth. "Liam what are you talking-" I started against but of course he cut me off. Pictures and videos where being taken. "Get out of my face. Cheating bitch. Maybe you do just deserve to-" he started but stopped when he looked at my arm. "You...." He started. "NO, STOP PLEASE! DON'T YOU KNOW WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL TEN TIMES WORST ABOUT MYSELF? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT? YA KNOW WHAT? I DON'T CARE! WE.ARE.DONE!!!!!" I yell. "I should have known a well known boy and a shy nerd would have never worked out." I say. I break down in tears and run out. Paparazzi followed and asked what happened. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I cried. I ran to the hotel to see Sky and November. I ran up to them, still crying. "OMG what's wrong?" Sky asked. I shook my head and logged on twitter clicking a video. She watched it. She was mad. VEREY mad. "Where the fuck is he?" She asked and scrolled down. Her face paled and she was beyond pissed off. "W-what?" I ask. November is looking too and very mad also. "HE IS WITH ANOTHER FUCKING GIRL!" I cry as I see the picture. I see Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis running towards us. I collapse into Harry's arms while Sky tells them what happened. "I'm going to talk to Liam." Niall said. He stormed off with his jaw and fist clenched. I just walked away and outside. I looked around and saw a little cafe. I walk in and just sit at a table and curl up into a ball. I cry despite the weird looks I got. "Is that the slut that cheated on Liam?" I herd a voice say. "Fuck off! She is beautiful and he had to do it I bet!" I herd someone yell. I look up to see a really pretty girl that had blonde hair. She had a flower band that was purple and just mascara. She wore a white skirt with a purple tank top. "Thank you." I say as she walks by. She nods. She starts to walk away but I grab her arm. "Stay?" I ask. She smiles and sits. "What's your name?" I ask the pretty girl. "Lyric! I already know who you are, no to be creepy!" She laughed. I let out a little laugh also. I look down and wipe my face so I don't have wet cheeks from the tears. "I herd about Liam....." She said. I just nod. "I didn't cheat...." I say and look up to meat her minty green eyes. "I didn't think so...." She said. I nod. Suddenly a couple walks in, causing us both to jump. I looked to see who I despise so much at the moment...... Liam and his girlfriend.........


Hey I hope you liked it!!!!!! I tried to make it longer this time..........

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