Redo: chap. 4

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Hey this may be confusing but I want to redo chapter 4. It made no scence. She only had a mom not a dad.


As I walk home, I run into someone. I look up to see Liam.... I try to run but he grabs me. "Please, let me walk you home." He said. I give in. We walk around, and I have never realized how cute he is. We came up to my house and I could hear yelling. "Gotta go...." I said. I just left him without a reply. I walk through the back quietly. My mum is being held against the wall by a man. "WHERE IS BAILEY AND NIALL?"the man yelled. Could it be.... "It is none of your concern." My mum said. Niall walked in quietly in the back to. I told him to be quiet as we watched and listened. "They are my children! My ex wife just gave them to you but she kidnapped them! THEY ARE MY CHIlDREN! I LOVE THEM AND HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YEARS!" My dad said and backed away. "The court will deal with it." Mum said and pushed him out. "MUM!" We said and hugged her. "Listen, I- I can't keep you guys." She said. I looked at Niall who was sobbing. "W-what?" I ask. "He is putting my family in danger. Luke will stay here and live alone cause he is a leagle adult. You guys are not, so you must go!" She cried wile hugging us. Niall and me backed away. "How could you?" I ask. Suddenly the guy walked in. "B-bailey? N-Niall?" He asked hugging us. Suddenly a women walked in with a knife. She threw a knife at me, but I think she missed. I grabbed a gun. "PUT IT DOWN!" My dad yelled, trying to attack me. I Put my finger on the trigger, and without thinking shot him. He fell to the ground. The ladie tried to hit me with a knife again, but I ducked. It hit Liz...... "NO!" I yelled, taking a step and regretting it. The knife was in me. Niall had gone with Luke, as I told them. The women was gone. I fell to the ground.


Dose this make more scence? Cause I tryed. Well ask if you are confused, just message me on here at (happy_but_lonely202) stay beautiful!

- Emma<3

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