Chapter 8

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Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I went home, really stressed. I have to help her through this. I need to stay strong for her..... For us. I sigh, rubbing my four head and sit on my bed and think. I think about Bailey, my future, and how I will get Bailey through this without any broken harts. There will be bumps along the road, but I will recover and so will Bailey..... I hope.....


I wake up I'm the morning and jump in the shower. I try not to wake Sky as I put on a long sleeved blue shirt that said 'live life, be free' with black skinny jeans and a black beanie. My brown hair is staying down. I put on mascara and eye liner with chap stick. I put on my black VANS and grabbed my back pack. I brushed my teeth and popped some mint gum in my mouth before leaving to wait for Liam. Once he came I jumped in his car. "Hey, beautiful. Looking good as always!" He said kissing my cheek. I giggled with fake happiness. A frown replaced my 'smile' when he looked away. The cuts burn....

I like it.........

I think to myself. I just look out the window until we get to hell. (Aka,school.) I walk in and me and Liam go our separate ways. I get pushed around by Amber, but I notice something. Hailey is with her group.....laughing at me as I get bullied. My eyes water as I run into the bathroom. I take the razor out and cut six marks, one for each letter in Haileys name. I take a shake breath and walk out. Hailey runs up to me with watery eyes. I try to walk away but she grabbed me. I flinch and wisper, "please don't hurt me." She sighs. "Listen I only joined her group-" she started but I cut her off. "Cause you where too embarrassed to be my friend now that I'm a murderer? Or is it because I am an orphan now? Just stay out of my life! I don't need YOU!" I spat. I sudden look of anger comes to her face. She rolls her eyes and mumbles, "slut." Before walking away. The bell rings and student flood into the class rooms. I have this period with Liam, but I just sit by the bathroom door. I just sit there crying till someone comes up to me. "A-are you ok?" Someone asked. I look up to see Chase who is a guy at our school . "No not really." I whisper. He sits by me. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. His knees where hugged to his chest. He looks at me and I just spill everything. By the time I was done he hugged me. I just hug back and cry. "What the fuck?" Liam said. We break the hug. "Liam, he was just comforting me."I say. "Yeah, by FLIRTING! Ya know what, fuck you Bailey. Maybe you are just a murderer that fucking cheets." He said. I stand up tears in my eyes. "It's not like I was making out with him. We are fucking friends. And if you can't handle that than whatever. And it wouldn't be cheating! YOU WON'T ASK ME OUT!" I yell, running away. He ran after me. He grabbed my wrist and I couldn't help but yelp in pain. "W-what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Am I holding too tight?" He asked letting go. I look down and shake my head. "It's nothing. Why do you care? After all I am just a MURDERING CHEATER!!" I yell and walk away. He stays. "I'm sorry, ok?" He snaps. He doesn't even mean it. "What ever." I say and walk out of school. Why do I even care. Now I have to think.



I sat on my bed, watching the love of my life on the x-factor. Yeah, after we fought, he left for the x-factor. I was sad, but happy for him. He is now with a group with Niall, a guy named Louis, a guy named Harry, and a guy named Zayn. I just watch. This is the finally. "Third place is..... ONE DIRECTION!" The announcer yelled. I smile, proud of Liam and my twin brother. I grab my keys and shoes, sneaking out the window. Looks like I'm going to give one direction a little visit.

Heyyy sorry for the time hop. I just needed to do it!

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