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Nash's POV

I wake up to Cam calling me. I answer it trying not to wake up Trisha (once again c=cam n=Nash)


C:Nash, we have a meet and greet in London in two days

N:what? I can't just leave!

C:you have to

N:I'm not leaving Trisha, Hayes and Erin.

C:Hayes is invited, and so is Trisha.

N:okay well I'll let them know.

C:see ya


I hung up and turned over. Trisha was half asleep.

"Babe?" She asked really tired.

"Morning beautiful." I pecked her lips.

"Morning, wait what was that all about?" She asked.

"We have a meet and greet in London." I tell her. Her eyes widen and she sits up.


"Yeah London, what about it?" i ask her.

"I've always wanted to go to London!" she said excitedly.

I smile and peck her lips

"You're so cute" I tell her.

She smiles.

"Thank you, shouldn't we go tell Erin and Hayes?" she asks.

"Yeah let's go." We both get out of bed and go into Erin's room where both her and Hayes are on their phones.

"Guys!" Trisha yells as she jumps on the bed.

"What's going on?" Hayes asks confused.

"We have a meet and greet in London." I tell them.

"Cool well om going back to sleep bye." Erin curls up in bed.

"Just so you know we're leaving tomorrow." i tell them.

"Okay we'll pack later." Hayes tells us. Trisha and I leave so we can pack. After a long dat we go to sleep, so wee have enough by 3:00am.


My alarm goes off telling me it's time to get to the airport. I snooze it, roll over and wake up Trisha. She loves sleep so I have to be extra gentle.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but we have to go to London." I tell her softly.

"Fine only because i love you" she mumbles.

We get dressed and wake up the children. We take a cab to the airport. We get there and do all the boring airport stuff and get on the plane.

I wonder what London will bring us...

Thanks for reading guys! I promise i'll try to update every friday, if not sooner.

i write at school when im supposed to be working. lol i'll talk to you guys soon!


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