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Nash's POV
There's something up with Trisha, her and Matt are good which is great but I know she's hiding something. I mean, she's entitled to her privacy but the protective boyfriend in me is worried and wants to know. I can tell she's hiding something because she's not the same anymore. She sleeps with her back to me, she hardly kisses me, she never wants to cuddle, and she doesn't smile that beautiful smile very often. I hope it's not about me and she wants to break up, that would be the worst thing ever. She'll tell me when she's ready.

Trisha's POV
Nash knows something is wrong. I'll tell him. He's sitting on the couch on his phone. I go over and sit beside him.
"Babe" I say.
"Yeah?" He says not looking away from his phone.
"Nash." I say again. He must've known I was serious because he locked his phone. He put it down and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" He asks. I take a deep breath.
"I know you've been noticing that something is up and I think I should tell you." I say.
"Oh, you don't have to tell me." he answers.
"No I want us to be honest in this relationship." I tell him. He nods as a signal to keep talking.
"You know how I never really talked about my past relationships?" I say. He nods.
"Well, it's because, when I was 15 my boyfriend, h-he h-hit me." I stutter. His eyes go wide and he wraps me in a hug.
Then he lets go and takes my hands. He locks his beautiful breathtaking blue eyes with my bright green eyes, and says,
"You know I would never do that to you. That's extremely wrong and you don't deserve that. You're my princess, and I wouldn't even think about hurting you. You don't have to worry. I love you so much."
I smile and kiss him.
"Thank you babe, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I tell him
We cuddle for a while and Erin came downstairs.
"Did you um tell him?" She asks.
I nod.
"Good, but can we not talk about it?" She says a little uneasy.
"Why would you say that?" Nash asks.
"She didn't tell me or our mom about it, so I walked in one day to him...ypu know, abusing her." Erin explains.
"Oh" nash says.
We hang out for the rest of the day

Thanks for reading! Sorta short/boring but ya.

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