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"Faster Bella! Harder Bella!"

I had dreamed of a man screaming these words at me many times. Usually, I would be alone in my bed having a dirty fantasy of Edward Cullen as he pushed inside me. Faster Bella. Harder Bella.

However, this time was not a fantasy. This time was hell.

"Come on, Bella. Keep up!" my sister screamed.

Jogging around in her spandex hot pink tiny outfit, my sister is taking far too much pleasure in my pain. Her trainer Jacob Black has made the trip all the way from California to be here and turn my lumpy butt into something respectable. He'd have to be a damn miracle worker for the amount of money Jessica was paying him. My apologies. I mean to say, Michael Newton is paying him.

Jacob Black is exactly the kind of man that makes me nervous. His body is so full of muscles that I wonder what would happen if he ever ate some actual fat. I nearly laugh as I picture him eating a cheeseburger and then his muscles going to war as it attempts to settle in his stomach. People like Jacob Black would take one look at someone like me and run to the nearest toilet to vomit.

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body. Your sweat is your fat crying."

Oh, god! I don't know what is worse. He stupid clichés or the physical pain I am in as I push this damn tire up the hill.

My sister kicked me out of bed at five a.m. With our tea time being set for three pm at the Cullen estate, she wanted to see that I was able to fit my first workout in while still having enough time to make myself presentable.

After dinner was over the previous night I ran to my room to locate my phone. I fired off a text message to Alice.

Troll is coming for tea

She sent me back a winky-face emoji. At least I would warn her of the plague that was about to set upon her house. However, with the way this Jacob Black was working me out, I might not be able to make it to tea. My arms nearly felt like they were about to fall off and my stomach felt strained from all the pushing I was doing.

I let go of the tire and let it roll down the hill to find its final resting place. Final because I was not about to do that again.

"Bella!" My sister screeched.

"I'm done for today," I declared.

My shirt was stained in sweat. Not a clean mark left on it and my legs felt disgusting in the creases between where my legs met my pelvis. My hair felt as if I had just gone through a shower.

"It's okay, Bella. Rome wasn't built in a day. Good start," he said smacking me on the back. "Watch those carbs and eat lots of leafy greens and lean protein. Remember hunger makes the perfect sauce and eating right is half the battle. I know you are in it to win it!"

"Great," I replied sarcastically before turning to leave.

"Bella, don't you think you should thank him. He did fly all the way out here for you," Jessica said.

He didn't fly all the way out here for me. He flew all the way out here because your hubby paid him a shit-ton of money to do so.

"Thank you, Jacob," I replied sweetly.

I turned around and rolled my eyes to head off toward the house.

"Be ready to leave by two-thirty and for the love of God be sure to take a proper shower." I hear my sister yelling after me. I don't turn her direction or give any sign of acknowledgment. "I mean it, Bella. I want to inspect you before we go."

I hear her begin to discuss with Jacob Black any hope he has for my dire situation. I hear her tell him that she has already spoken to Mrs. Cope and had her empty the pantry for anything fattening.

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