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I could not let my afternoon be spent in indecision. Knowing the impact my mother's words could have, I would end up with a stomachache if I sat at home waiting for tonight. After leaving my parent's house, I asked Seth to drive me to Alice and Jasper's. I didn't want to tell Alice about my plans, but I thought she could be a welcomed distraction.

Her maid opened the door and welcomed me inside. Alice hadn't been at this residence long, but already she had made changes, and I liked the way everything felt warm and inviting. Not like a museum; the way Edward's grandfather's mansion felt.

Alice launches herself in my direction, which took me by surprise since normally, she did not feel the need to do such things. "Bella!" Alice's speedy little feet click on her hard floor as they raced my way. "Edward told me what you did. How could you be so brainless going into the city? And by yourself? You could have been hurt or worse. You're lucky my brother didn't have the good sense to smack you. I have half a mind to smack you myself!"

I took a slight step back; fearful she would make good on her word; her eyes angry while she waited for an explanation.

"It really wasn't that awful. I'm sure Jasper could back me up and tell you the city isn't as scary as everyone wants you to believe."

Alice sighed and shook her head in dismay. She took my hand and walked me over toward the sitting room. Her maid rolled in a cart with hot tea to share while we talked.

"I don't even know where to begin. It was like an adventure. So many people of all shapes, sizes, and colors; I never felt freer in my life. Don't get me wrong, the smell is something that might be off-putting at first, but once you become accustomed to it, it isn't so bad. There was a playground for children to run around in, and oh, don't let me forget to tell you about the French fries I ate. You've never tasted something so heavenly in all your life. You must have Jasper procure some on his next trip."

Alice looked concerned. She sipped her tea and was not taking my story the way I thought she would.

"I don't think Jasper will be traveling into the city for some time. There have been issues arising, and until it is safe, he promised he would steer clear, and I hope you will do the same."

I sat back, forgetting my posture.

"I really don't believe it is all that bad. I mean...of course, there were signs of poverty. I knew that was to be unavoidable, but even in the lesser gutter camps, they all seemed happy. Cooking their food and listening to...odd music. There was a small boy who came up requesting a coin, but since I didn't have any, I gave him my bracelet. It was a small token, but hopefully, it helped."

"You shouldn't have done that Bella," Alice scolded.

"Why? I don't understand what is so wrong with wanting to experience other cultures and pull my head out of the sand to look up and see what is around us."

Alice set down her cup.

"Because that poor boy will probably be charged with stealing. Think about it, Bella. He goes to try and get food with your gift, and they will wonder where he was able to come up with something so pricy. They could throw him into the white ward, and it would be all your fault."

I slumped down in my chair, feeling as if she just smacked me across the face. I hadn't even thought of it that way. What if Alice was right? What if I doomed that child with my small act of kindness? Alice saw my heartbreak and quickly came to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, but I don't want you to get hurt. You shouldn't go into the city. Jasper's family has been dealing with issues that are arising. Please promise me you will never go back there. I don't know what I would do if something happened."

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