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The smile fades from Sam's face the moment his eyes make contact with Edward's. Usually, I would look away fearing what I might find in those eyes of his, but this time, I don't. It's not because I feel brave. In fact, by the look on Edward's face, it brings far little comfort for my future, but I have trouble not looking away. I must know. What is Edward going to say? What is Edward going to do to me?

"I'm Sam Uley, Emily's husband. Emily, your housemaid..." Sam clarified, in case Edward was the type to not take the time to remember his servants' names. "I found Bella and wanted to make sure she made it home safely."

Edward hasn't looked at me once. His eyes are trained and focused on Sam while he decides an appropriate reaction. I can hear the trepidation in Sam's voice. Most likely he is worried that Edward would believe something sinister is going on between the two of us and doesn't want Edward to use his influence over the state to cause him problems.

Edward slowly moves to hold out his hand. Sam, a little surprised, walked forward a couple of paces and shakes it.

"Thank you for looking after Isabella. I'm not quite sure what would cause her to venture out this way, but I am relieved to see you have provided her safe passage. Your kindness and time will not go unrewarded." Edward turned and finally looked at me, "Should we get on home, Isabella?"

Edward holds out a hand to me, and it is clear he is back to playing his role. From the worry I feel, I nearly forget we have an acting job to do. I turn and give Sam a small smile and thank-you before reaching out to take Edward's hand. He leads me back to the car where the driver is waiting with my door opened.

I slide in, as Edward walks around the car, his out-of-place shiny shoes clicking on the pavement before he enters the vehicle and takes his seat next to me. My heart begins to race while I wait for the wrath, but nothing comes. We ride the whole way back to the house in silence. Every so often, I catch the driver's eyes looking at me in the rear-view mirror. I try and wager a glance with my peripheral at Edward, but I can't see his face as it is turned away from me while he stares out the window.

I begin to go over what I plan to say when we get back home. I know this war will be worse than any we've ever fought before. I can stand up to him one last time knowing that ultimately, it will be up to him to decide what my fate should be. I could stand down and hope for mercy; make another promise that I will be good and do everything he asks of me. I feel my chest tighten as I remember the giggling girl going up the stairs with Edward, and I know I can't do this anymore. I can't live my life married to a man who will entertain countless women while every one of them kills a piece of my soul.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek as I now know what I must say. I will tell Edward the truth. Tell him I am not the kind of girl who can sit by and watch him live his life the way he feels he must. I don't care if he makes me a gutter baby. After tonight, I know it would be a welcome tradeoff; better than enduring the humiliation of his actions, as I would be expected to do.

The car pulls into the driveway and around the circle, and I quickly brush my tears aside and move to get out of the car before our driver has a chance to open the door. Edward jumps out once he sees my hasty exit and is quick on my heels. I don't acknowledge him, but he knows I am aware of him following closely behind.

I walk through the door and towards the living room that I hardly spend any time in. I don't want this war to happen in the entry room. Too many gaudy vases have already paid the price for our fighting. No need to have more heavy glass objects on standby begging to be thrown.

"Bella, what were you thinking going into the city? And at night of all times! Were you searching for the very best way to piss me off?" Edward begins even though I haven't even stopped.

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