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After climbing the staircase on the right and going through the door, I stood in the dimly lit hallway and stared at the many closed doors deciding which one I should try first. After quite a bit of analyzing, I chose to go through the first door on my right to find the most gorgeous bedroom my eyes had ever set sight on. It was dark outside, so I had to imagine what it would look like with the sun cascading through the tall windows but even without that first impression, I was able to see the dream.

The bed with its fine satin cover was much too precious to dirty. I slowly walked through a different door and was able to find the attached bathroom that seemed to be the size of my old bedroom. As I began to undress, I turned the faucet to allow the bath to fill. My clothes laid haphazardly on the floor completely forgotten the moment my toes touched the warm water.

I laid back and let out a sound of appreciation. I was so exhausted, I thought I would go to sleep right then and there. I dipped down and allowed the water to fully bury my body and hair. The dirt from my fall hopefully diminishing as it would embarrass me to wake up in that beautiful bed with any residue spoiling its lovely sheets.

With a promise of taking a longer bath the next day, I exited the bathroom and looked around for something to wear but the closet was empty. I was not about to bother Edward with another word from me, so I dried off as best as I could and pulled back the comforter to slip down under the covers.

My mother would kill me if she knew I was sleeping bare in the bed. How improper. There is a time and place to be indecent and that was only after vows were said before God. I stifle a laugh when I realize that my mother can never say another word against me or my actions. Mischievously, I plan to drop that little morsel off in conversation the next time I see her just to watch her fight with her nature to say even one word.

I swear I did not wake once throughout the night. I didn't know to praise the exhaustion or the feather perfect bed for my thorough restful sleep. In fact, I wondered if Edward hadn't woken me the next morning if I would have ever woken up naturally.


"Bella," he says a little timidly comparing to how Edward usually said my name. I hear him clear his throat. My natural inclination is to stretch and yawn but when the sheet comes down and my bare breasts feel the air hit them, I instantly wake and grab for the sheet. My eyes pop open and I look to Edward hoping and praying he didn't just see something he shouldn't. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to be looking in my direction. Adverting his eyes like a gentleman.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked.

I begin to wonder how much he had to drink the previous night to cause this amnesia.

"Um...signed contract. You asked my parents..."

He sighed but kept his eyes averted.

"No, I mean, why are you sleeping in the guest quarters?"

I looked around once more. This room was a guest room?

"I didn't is so very much grander than anything I have ever personally witnessed. Was I not to stay in this room?"

"No, but that is my fault. I should have said something...escorted you to your room myself. And... why are you naked?"

Hades be with me if my skin did not flush from head to toe.

"Well...I was dirty and there wasn't anything to wear and I did not want to cause you any more distress after last night's events. My apologies for my indecency. Please don't think poorly of me. I can promise it will never happen again."

He holds his hand up to silence me as I pull the covers up and over my mouth to stop me from saying anything further.

"It's okay, Bella. I don't care. There is a closet filled in your quarters. An early wedding present from Alice. I will send up Sue to help find your way to your room and to some...clothes."

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