Chapter 8/ Conflicts with siblings not enemies

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I saw Harry punch Draco and I couldn't stand there and be useless I begged Harry to stop and pushed him away.

"Harry stop. Don't do this. I swear I was going to tell you all we did was kiss yes we're dating. Harry please I swear I was going to tell you tonight I was going to tell all of you" I got cut off by Harry.

"How long? Why him? What is wrong with you? Let's go. Now." said Harry. He sounded extremely mad but he sounded more upset that's when I knew I had hurt him. 

"Harry listen to me. I swear I was going to tell you tonight. I fell in love with him. We used to be enemies to but you have to get to know him Harry please don't" Harry grabbed me and his grip on my arm got tighter when we reached the common room.

"He's not good for you and out of all people him. Also before you try to explain yourself even though kissing was bad enough nothing else happened right?" Harry's mood changed and many more people came in the common room after hearing Harry.

"We only kissed a few times. Trust me I didn't like him either but Harry he I like him now a lot please just can't you be kind." I try to say in the kindest way if he tried to pull that protective brother crap I swear to god-

"A few times are you crazy? It's MALFOY. We can never ever trust him. He's deceiving you. How can you be stupid enough to fall for him. No look it's embarrassing everyone's here just go to sleep we'll talk about this in the morning." 

I quickly ran to my dorm and Hermione and Ginny came in while in their robes. They immediately slammed the door shut I flinched. "Please tell me what Harry said wasn't true Lana" I heard Hermione. I ignored her and felt Ginny shaking me.

"Lana" I heard Ginny scream.

"WHAT?" I replied. Not going to I did have a few tears in my eyes but I blinked multiple times and tried to make them go away. Hermione confronted me my tears and started to hug me gently and Ginny started to caress my cheek. 

"You don't have to cry. If you don't want to tell us you don't have to. " said Hermione.

"Yeah if you don't feel comfortable." said Ginny following her afterwards.

I really wanted to tell them but I was scared they were going to judge me. I mean come on I'm dating their enemy. My boyfriend is their enemy. Dear gods they'll kill me I fell in love with their enemy, our enemy, my enemy.  

"Okay I fell in love with Malfoy we've been dating for a few months. I'm in love with him." I said I just realized I blurted it all out to them.

"Oh um well that's not very well pleasant news. Wait so he was your secret admirer?" Hermione asks she gives me that pity look. The look that says Oh don't do this you're making a mistake oh boy I feel sorry. I don't need her pity I need her support.

"Yes he was" I said confidently with a shy smile curling on my lips.

"Well don't you think it's quite I don't know strange that all of the sudden he fancies you. I mean you guys used to hate each other. I don't trust him but you have my blessing just don't tell him everything and trust him and well do deep things with him" said Hermione she seemed so sweet saying all of this. I just wanted to cuddle with her and sleep with her. Hermione and Ginny and Luna are like the sisters I never had. But Luna isn't with us since she is a ravenclaw so her dorm is on the other side.  

"Well yeah I agree with Hermione. You know what we'll talk about this in the morning. Don't stress to much if Harry says anything I'll smack him to make him kinder. But even if he gets rude he's your brother so know he's doing and saying that because he loves you. We all know Harry anyway he would never really be rude." said Ginny me and Hermione notice Ginny's cheeks going red as she talks about Harry. Oh I know she fancies my brother. Her cheeks turn red and she blushes every time someone brings up Harry or when she is talking about him herself. 

"Fancying Harry I see. Someone likes my brother." I say. I've known Ginny my whole life and she had a crush on him since she first laid eyes on him. 

"What are you talking about." said Ginny now fiercely trying to hide the redness.

"Oh Ginny you can tell us and I'm pretty sure Harry likes you back. You have Lana's blessing anyway. Your cheeks are red as a tomato. Anyway let's go to bed." Hermione said. We all started laughing and went off to bed. I looked at the time it was 1 am.   My head drifted off to sleep like a feather right when my head hit the pillows. 

Have a good day! Hope you liked it!






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