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"She's here." The members of the family stood up as a silhouette of a woman appeared from the door of the dining room, their eyes fell into the woman who had her serious face on, everyone was looking at her in owe as her mysterious beauty radiated different in actual but the woman remained collected as she bowed down in front of them, the businesswoman introduced herself towards them and went to the vacant seat next to the eldest son of Kim's.

"Why are you late? They've been waiting for you." He whispered silently as the cook of the household started to serve their dinner for tonight.

"Weren't I allowed to do something for myself? Besides I'm going to help you tonight." Irene said smiling towards the elders seated in front of her when her eyes suddenly landed to a woman who looked a little bit younger than her with an empty seat on her side.

"Your sister?" The businesswoman asked silently as if she haven't known who she really was, they both looked towards the woman sitting a few meters away from their front.

"Yes, she was still waiting for her wife to arrive."

A woman in mid-fifties suddenly spoke, making everyone look at her. "It is a really nice evening to see both of my children here and to my soon daughter-in-law, Irene Bae, it's really great to see you here personally darling, everyone was rooting for you and your upcoming wedding with my son, you seemed to get closer with him now." The woman said as she looked towards them making the two felt so disgusted with the old woman's words. "Cheers to you and to your family's future." They all raised their champagne glass but the woman kept on looking at her food with her head hanging low.

"Raise your glass." Junmyeon whispered, but the businesswoman shrugged her shoulders and stood up throwing the napkin on the dinner's table making everyone shook to her sudden changed of attitude. "Irene!" He whispered-shouted, making the elder look at them.

"Would you mind hearing my story first Mr and Mrs Kim?" She said as she took her champagne glass and asked the maid politely to fill it, the family of Kim's became silent as they looked at her, walking inside around the dining hall. "Why don't you try to answer? The cats caught your tongue ey?" She asked, shutting the doors closed making them flinch from the loud bang.

"So there was once a known family her in Asia their family's name brought a huge impact in working industry, making them known as one of the known 'Crazy Rich Asians', therefore a lot of people believed that they made their name on top with their own blood, sweat and tears not knowing that their children were about to suffer." Irene drank her champagne and looked at the youngest of the family who had her head down. "And one of them caused harm to the other, right?" She looked at Junmyeon and her sister, Jisoo who had her eyes towards the businesswoman.


"No, I may not be able to know a lot of information about your family Mr. Kim but I know your children's dark secrets." Irene stood at the back of the eldest son putting both of her hands behind his shoulders. "Let's start with this man, my fiancée." She rolled her eyes and looked at the elders who were still confused on what was happening.

"You might want to welcome your grandchild soon and accept the fact that it wasn't coming out from me." Everyone was left dumbfounded while looking at the deputy chief psychologist who had his head hanging low. "He had a girlfriend and they were having a child now, why don't you just let him be with her? At the very first place they were about to have their own family and their child will be and will always be the next in line of your succession, why bother making someone be included with your own little fairy tales if in your own child's mind you were the one's who were known as protagonist."

The family fell into silence as they listened to her when the youngest child of Kim's stood up. "Seulgi." Everyone diverted their attention to the woman who just entered the room, even the businesswoman looked at the psychologist who had her eyes bloodshot from the tears she spilled earlier.

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