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October, half of the month. The businesswoman was seen sitting at one of the benches at the pavilion, it was a cool morning when the older had decided to go out to see some things going on inside the vastness of the hacienda. The workers had been greeting her here and there but her thoughts were floating up in the sky to not even notice their working presence.

There's nothing much special had happened to her life for the past few weeks, as usual, she always had to do a lot workloads forgetting the reason why she had decided to go to Spain to have a vacation, she just felt like she's back home feeling to the usually state of stress she had on her life.


Her sister had shared a news about the family of Kang Seulgi had finally decided to make a move against to those media outlets who spread the rumours that included her name which made her glad to hear about it but the fact that her father was doing something again to jump up on her private life had made her feel like she doesn't have the chance to live free, like she needed to live enthralled by her father's power as the man who gave her the life that everyone had wanted.

If only she can choose whether to stay in their family or not, she would chose to leave rather than staying on the family who would just choke her from the things she did not want to do but she couldn't do that, as long as her sister had chosen to live with her parents, she can't let go of her part as a member of the family because she had already knew that if she leave without her sister on her side, the burden she brought will we all thrown to youngest which she was trying to avoid.

As long as she can take care of her little sister, she'll do it without even a single piece of hesitance.

"Excuse me?" Someone spoke from her back making the older to turn around just to see a familiar woman smiling brightly towards her. "Hehe, sorry." Seulgi said as she casually walked inside the pavilion with the brown paper bag she was holding in her hand.

"I thought you'd never be coming back in here." Irene said as she let the younger sat next to her, it has been a quite long time since the last time she had seen the psychologist, the last time she had remembered upon seeing the younger was when they both cried like a fool in the middle of the night with the clear spirit of the liquor running to their veins and that was a few weeks ago if the businesswoman would tried to remember from then on, they would just communicate to each other by text and calls, just casually talking about the things happening back in Korea.

And it was a surprise for her to see the psychologist to come here in such broad daylight.

"There were just some things I needed to do in Madrid and yeah, I just decided to come over to give you this." The psychologist said as she handed the paper bag towards the older. "I mean, I know I sucked at making things but I tried to bake a cupcake for you, since that was the only thing I'm good at doing. That's a Magdalena cupcake, I baked that earlier this morning so it's still fresh." The businesswoman smiled as she took the pastry box from the paper bag, the indulging smell of the cupcakes penetrated her nose making her stomach growl in hunger.

Seulgi chuckled, making the two of them fall into laughter. "Don't tell me you haven't eaten yet?" The psychologist asked.

"I've already eaten but I'm craving for this since last night and I just can't go out since Wendy told me not to."

"Speaking of that woman." Seulgi said making the older to remember something that their friend had said to her.

"Yeah, she told me she can't go here as of the moment." Irene said, making the younger to nod her head. "I was actually rooting for her to tour me around the town since she had promised me that before I could even leave the land of rumours." The older rolled her eyes which made the psychologist chuckle. Korea is really a country of media who spread that kind of shits.

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