Back story

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*third person pov**
In the dead of night, a demon portal opened in the shadows beside a run down trailer. the crouched figure stepped out of the portal. The portal shrunk and vanished with a tiny "pop" .
The figure rose to its full height, revealing a man in a prim, spiffy tuxedo. In his buttonhole, a white rose added contrast to the dark outfit.
The man looked at the dirty trailer and scowled. With a flick of his wrist, he shadow travelled into the living room.
The dark brown carpet stunk and had mystery stains. The tv was turned on and blaring about some weight loss supplement for "husky men with libido". The man tread past the piles of garbage and beer bottles until he got to the kitchen. He quietly opened the fridge and was hit in the face with the full stench of rot.
He pulled back, disgusted. Shutting the door, he walked past the sink full of dirty dishes. Flies buzzed around the garbage can as he made his way to the smallest room.
The door was a simple door. In the dim light from the tv he saw a bloody handprint on the handle. Anger flamed in his eyes as he opened the door. He couldn't open it very far before he hit something. With a soft light threading through his palm, he found her room covered in mess. The floor had bloody splotches on it and there wasn't even a bed. Once more, the man's anger flamed. He searched for the girl. A bundle of blankets were in the corner, a fresh trail of blood leading to it. The man carefully walked over. he shook his head and pulled the rose from his button hole. He also pulled the note he had written earlier out of his pocket and he set both beside her bundle of blankets.
With a longing look, he turned and left the trailer. Shadow traveling to the outside, he reopened the demon portal and stepped inside.

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