The wedding

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"Ow. Ow. Ow Dean, it's too tight!" Hazel growled as Dean Winchester pinned the veil to her hair. "Sorry." He murmured, fixing it politely as Sam blotted color onto her lips. "Quit fussing, you two." Sam mused, holding Hazels chin and putting another layer of mascara on.
Both Winchesters stood back to admire their work. "More on the cheeks? Yay or nay?" Dean shook his head and grinned.
They both helped her down. Hazels gown had lace sleeves and a corset top, the white skirt flared out as the skirt got longer, until the fringe was hovering above the ground. It was beautiful.
Dean took her arm while they walked to the reception area.
"Are you ready?" Dean whispered. "Yes. Yes I am. " Hazel said confidently.
They arrived at the doors that led into the wedding. Hazels stomach churned with nerves.
The wedding march played. Dean opened the doors and they walked in.
Hazel watched her fiancés face as she walked, pure and utter love. Tears of joy shined in his eyes. Castiel, the angel from the In Between, was our priest. Sam was Crowley's best man.
We made it up to the alter and Dean lifted the veil. I gazed at Crowley, his handsome tux.
"You may read your vows. " Castiel nodded to Crowley, who took both my hands and kissed each one. "My dearest Hazel. You have been with me for a long time now. I may have saved you, the day I brought you here, but you saved me. I love you more than anything in the celestial planes. You are my everything. " Tears streaked down her face as she listened to his words.
"And you, Hazel. You may begin your vows." Castiel said.
"Crowley, you are my love. I couldn't imagine a world without you. I need you like a fish needs water. Like a bird needs to fly. My love for you pulled me away from death. You, our love, saved the both of us. I love you more than anything. " Hazel finished.
Sam and Dean both had tears in their eyes. Crowley did too.
"Do you, Crowley take Hazel to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"Yes, oui, ja, si. Every language known, yes!" Crowley grinned ear from ear.
"And do you, Hazel take Crowley to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." she whispered.
"You may kiss the bride" Castiel couldn't even finish because they were kissing already.

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