The first encounter

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*Third person pov*
Hazel had been in the court house before. For ten years, she had been hopping from foster home to foster home, learning to keep her mouth shut and never to back talk. Her parents had died in a car crash when she was 8. She was almost 18 now.
Hazel fought tears as she sat in the large waiting room. She thought of the note and felt better. Hazel had someone who cared, and that's all that matters.
A small boy, about the age of five, came up and said in his baby voice, "why are you crying?" He wore a red polo shirt and had a truck clasped in his hands. Hazel smiled and said, "Im not crying, I'm leaking. " she smiled and the boy gave her his truck and said, "when I get sad, I play with my car. " he went and got another car from the toy chest. Hazel and the boy played cars until it was time for Hazel to go talk to the judge.
Smoothing her shirt out, she walked into the conference room. The judge, a typer, a policeman, and her foster parents all sat. Hazel sat down at the table and put her hands on the table. He knee bounced as she contemplated what to do. The judge was a kind old man with soft brown eyes. Hazel took a deep breath and stuttered, "I, I think it. Um, would be better. if I um, went to another residence."
Both foster parents glared at her and Angella said, " poor girl, she hit her wittle nose on the door yesterday, she's delusional!" Mark agreed and said, "she doesn't want to leave, do you sweety?" Hazel stood up and walked over to the policeman and the judge. she whispered, "I think it would be better for them to leave the room. So I can speak freely." the judge nodded and the police man escorted Angella and Mark out. Hazel sat back down and began her tale.
*several hours later*
The man from the first chapter walked in the courthouse. He flashed a smile to the receptionist. " Hello, I would like to sit it on a court decision please. Preferably the Angolain set." With a flick of his wrist, the lady fell under his spell. She handed him the name tag and pointed him in the right direction. He smiled again and walked to the conference room. He saw the two fat heedles idiots who abused his Hazel. Anger flared in his eyes. The man simply walked up to the police man and showed him the name tag and the officer pointed him in the direction of the adoption services. He grabbed the set of papers and began to fill them out.

Hazel was still describing the horrors of her home life to the judge. The judge sympathetically nodded and added the occasional, "oh my." to the story.
Hazel had streaks of tears running down her face as she said, "I can't stay there any longer. Please, don't make me." the judge scratched the back of his head with his hand and said, "unless a miracle happens, I'm afraid you'll have to remain there until a more suitable house is found. I'm sorry Hazel. " Hazel set her head on the table. Hot tears spilled from her eyes. She felt the judge gently rub her back and apologize, just as the door opened up.

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