Well HELLo there

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The door opened up and in walked the policeman. He was leading a man into the room. He was dressed sharply in a tuxedo. Hazel's heart stopped and then fluttered. The man had a white rose in his button hole, just like the one she had in her coat. The man smiled and said in a deep, British accent. "My apologies for interrupting, but I would like to verify these adoption papers." The man smiled a bright, happy smile and handed the judge some papers. The judge took them and adjusted his reading glasses. Hazel stared at the man. He glanced over and grinned at Hazel. "Mr. Cowley? Is it?" "Yes sir, it is." Crowley said. The judge looked at him and said, "you want to adopt miss Hazel here, correct?" Crowley smiled and said, "Absolutely. Not only adopt her, but to have her live with me in my home." Hazel's eyes filled with tears and she nodded her head. "Thank you. Thank you so much." she sobbed tears of joy. Her nose throbbed and Crowley gave her a tissue. Hazel cleaned herself up and stood. Crowley walked over to her and held her close to him. Wrapping her arms around him, he mumbled into her ear, "did you get my flower?" She nodded as he squeezed her tight.
The hug was broken up by Angella and Mark bursting in. "NOW JUST HOLD ON A GOD DAMN MINUTE!" Mark bellowed. Hazel flinched. "That bitch ain't goin no where! She has caused so much damage at my place! I want a refund!" Mark thrust his finger at Hazel and Crowley. The policeman pulled his gun out and Crowley ushered Hazel behind him.
"SILENCE!" The judge bellowed, "Mr Mark and Mrs. Angella, please calm down. I've heard Hazel's testimony. You have no control over her. Mr. Crowley is now the legal guardian of Hazel." Crowley wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
It took the rest of the day to fill out the paperwork. Hazel officially had nothing to do with Angella and Mark now.
Hazel climbed into Crowley's car and buckled up.

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