The car ride

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Crowley sat in the back of the car with Hazel on the way to Mark and Angella's house. He noticed how nervous she was to gather up her stuff from there. Crowley already knew how bad the place was, but the police were escorting them to the residence. Hazel looked over at him and asked, "did you leave the rose and the notes?" She was very quiet. Crowley smiled and said, "how'd you guess?" Hazel lifted her hand over and she gently touched the white rose on his chest. "Smart girl." He mused. "How did you get the notes to me? I would have noticed someone in my room. Or in my pocket." She mumbled, looking down at her hands in her lap.
Before Crowley could answer, the car pulled into the trailers driveway.
The trailer looked even worse in the daylight. The rusted away corners and the busted glass of the screen door. The grass was yellow and covered in bare spots. Crowley an Hazel got out of the car. Hazel looked embarrassed by the dirt and grime of it all. He followed her inside, meeting the awful stench of the trailer again. Walking back to her small room, they waited for the police officer to give them permission to enter.
Upon entering, Crowley saw that her room was filled with books. Hazel looked embarrassed by the blood on the floor, the policeman took swabs and pictures of the room. "Sorry it's such a mess." she mumbled. Crowley smiled and whispered into her hair, "all the more evidence that you get to live with me. " Crowley escorted her out and into the outside, where they walked to the backyard. A rusty swing set and a moldy sandbox were set in the back corner. Piles of dog crap were left over from when they had a dog. It ran away, of course.
The police kept taking pictures, all while Mark stomped and huffed, making excuses for the mess. The police ignored him while Angella sat in the Taurus, smoking a cigarette while crying. Her red lipstick was smeared and her mascara was rolling down her cheeks.
Hazel watched as her books were loaded into the police car, about to be headed to Crowley's house.

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