Part 1

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This is my first story that I have posted on Wattpad. Undecided on what to write, I wasn't sure if just to write a short story or fanfic first, so I eventually decided to go with a short story just to get the feel of Wattpad... Well I hope you all enjoy!

As usual my alarm rang at 8 o'clock sharp, signaling that it was time for me to get up for work. I felt around my night stand before finding the location at which my alarm clock was placed and hit off.

"Emily," my mother's voice sounded through the door. "you don't want to be late. I have breakfast ready. Hurry up."

"Okay." I mumble, tossing the covers off my body and sitting up. Rubbing my eyes I got up and walked into the bathroom, then squinting at the bright light. After my eyes adjusted I went into my usual routine. Brush teeth, wash face, and so on. Then I went back into my room and changed out of my pajamas and put on jeans and my uniform shirt and my name badge.

"Emily! You are going to be late!"

I look at the time and my clock showed 8:30. Work started at 9 and it took approximately 30 minutes to get there.

"I'm coming!" Quickly I searched for my purse and phone. Once I found it I darted out of my room and into the kitchen.

"About time Emily."

"I'm sorry mom. I'm going to have to take my breakfast in the car. Tell Alana to have a good day. Love you bye."

I quickly kiss my mom on the cheek and then made my way out to the car.


"Emily. You're late again. That's the second time this week."

"I know, I'm sorry Julie." Julie was my coworker and one of my closest friends. And by one I literally mean one.

"You know if you need me to maybe come pick you up or something-"

"No, no. It's fine. Thanks for the offer though. When do you get off today?"

"At noon. I have a class at 1."

"All right." Then I turn to go clock in.

"Miss Jones. Late again are we?"
My boss Mrs. Nancy Debolt was in her office when she saw me clock in.

"Yes. I'm sorry Mrs. Debolt. It won't happen again."

"It better not, Miss Jones. We have a meeting tomorrow at promptly 8 o'clock tomorrow and it is mandatory for all employees."

I stood there glaring at her. She wasn't the nicest person in the world and she certainly wasn't the nicest boss either. Always walking around and spying on you. Taking notes on everything. She reminded me of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter. A miss know-it-all, always in you business, type lady. I hope and prayed that one day when I walked into work that she wouldn't be there because she got fired or maybe chocked on a grape and died. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. She was always here. Always watching. Always in your personal business.

"Miss Jones. Are you listening to me?" She scowled snapping her fingers.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. You are in charge of stacking books on the shelf today. We got in a shipment of some new young adult books that are on popular demand. There are two crates, ones with hard-cover and signed by the author and the other one hard cover not signed. Do you think you can handle that assignment?"


"Good. Now get to it!" Then she turned and walked back in her office, slamming the door behind her.

I set my things down in the break room and then went off to begin unpacking and stacking the books.
I took both crates and bought them over to the shelf that said 'Popular Young Adult' and began stacking.
Book after book until finally the last signed copy was on the shelf.

"Miss Jones. You should have been done with that task 20 minutes ago."
Mrs. Debolt stood behind me. I didn't say anything. I wanted to just turn around and smack that woman, but I resisted.

"Yes, Mrs. Debolt." I say putting a new book on the self.

"After this you have cash register duty, make it snappy." Then she left and I once again continued to stack books after books. Another 20 minutes passed and I was finished. Picking up the two crates I walked to the back and put them out for recycle.

"Em! Where have you been?" Julie then came rushing towards me.

"What do you mean? I just went to go throw the crates in recycle."

"Mrs. Debolt is furious. She's been working the register for the past 5 minutes."

"Oh wow. The past 5 minutes. Well she needs to learn that I'm not a miracle worker."

Julie and I both walked up to the front register where Mrs. Debolt was working. She looked up and saw me and I knew I was in some big trouble.

"Miss Jones," she growled. "where have you been?"

"I just finished stacking the books you wanted me to."

"I told you to work the register!" She began to raise her voice which caused people to look in our direction.

"I apologize ma'am but it is physically impossible for a human being to do to two things at once. Especially if the two things are in two separate locations." I spat back.

"Miss Jones! How dare you! I am giving you one last warning or else you will be fired!" Then she scribbled some notes on her clipboard and stalked back off to her office.

"What a bitch." Julie said and then we both laughed.

"So true Julie. She is a soulless person. Doesn't know when to just shut up."

"I have to go so maybe call or text me later." Julie then hugs me and then leaves and I take my job at the register.

"Hi. Did you find everything okay today?" I asked a lady as she puts her book on the counter.

"Yes I did. Thank you and that lady who was working here earlier was so mean to you."

"She's my boss and she watches my every move. Good choice." I say holding up the copy of the The Great Gatsby.

"She should be fired. She's horrible."

"Yeah. Do you have a membership card?"

"I do." She takes it out of her wallet an hands it to me.

"Okay, you saved 5 dollars and 78 cents. And here's your receipt."

"Thank you. Have a good day."

"You too." And she walks away and I continue the same process for the next hour until it was time for me to go on break.

"Finally." I mumble to myself as I walk over to the small café they had. Sitting down near the window I take out my book and begin to read. The entire time I was reading I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked up periodically but didn't see anyone. But that was until from the corner of my eye I saw a man leaving the café.

"Probably just another customer." I told myself but I knew that I was telling myself a lie.

I hope you all enjoyed. I certainly had enjoyed writing this. Also I do not own any movie, songs, schools, business titles, or anything of that nature. Please comment or leave any questions since the process is new to me it will let me know what to improve on and what you all would like to see. They're super helpful! Thanks so much!
- Katrina

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