Part 5

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--- 1 month later ---

Chris and I had become friends over the past month and I had enjoyed being around him. I would sit at with him during my break and we'd talk about family, our lives, our hobbies and more. Today Chris was late and I sat alone waiting. Five, ten minutes passed and he wasn't there yet so I pulled out my book and began reading. But I didn't read. I thought about Chris. He wasn't that type of guy who was into sports like all the other "jocks". In a way he was similar to me. He enjoyed reading and...

"Hey. Sorry I'm late I was reading the Fellowship and I lost track of time. I looked up at the clock and then saw that it was time for you break. I rushed here as quickly as possible... Is that a new book?" Chris gestures to the copy of the Return of the King I was holding in my hands.

"Oh, hi.. And yes, it is in fact a new book."

"Weren't you reading the Two Towers the other day?"

"I was, I finished it when I got home. And I'm glad you like the book." I smile and then close my book.

"God you do read fast, and yes thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of Middle-Earth."

"You're welcome."

"Coffee?" He asked standing up.

"No thanks." I didn't want anything at the moment considering I had a late breakfast. Chris left to get himself a cup of coffee and I stared listlessly at the beige walls.

"So any plans for tonight?" Chris asked sitting back down.

"What?" I asked slightly taken aback by his question.

"Are you busy tonight?" I wanted to say yes but that would be a lie. Over in my mind I heard Chris saying the same thing...

"Are you busy tonight?"

I didn't have any plans. As usual, I would sit home curled up on the couch wrapped up in my snuggie reading deep into the night.

"No." I said softly.

"Great, how about dinner and a movie? Or is that to..." He paused thinking for the right word.


"No. I don't have any person preferences. I'm leaving it in your hands. Oh crap. My break is up. I should get back to work before Mrs. Debolt calls me into her office." I stand up quickly grabbing my belongings and turning out of the café

"Wait," Chris said and I turned around.


"What time should I pick you up?"

"Uhh... 6?"

"Okay, see you at 6." And I then left.


I got home at 5 o'clock that evening so my time to get ready was limited but it didn't matter since it was only dinner and a movie. My mom had planned an evening out with Alana, they both needed the mother-daughter time. I showered and then went in my room. Opening my white closet doors I stared disappointed. I wasn't a fancy person. I owned a total of 4 dresses and 6 skirts. Although I wasn't planning on wearing any of them. I went through all of my nice clothes but none of them seemed to fit. Finally I decided on a Lord of the Rings shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. It seemed fairly appropriate. After I got ready I sat in my living room just waiting. Time passed and I just sat there wondering what was going to occur on this date. The door bell then rang, making me jump slightly. I rushed over to the door, my hand shaking. Taking a deep breath I opened it to see Chris standing there dressed nicely in jeans, a maroon jacket and a brown leather jacket. I sighed with relief knowing that I wasn't underdressed.

"My lady, are you ready to go?" Chris bowed and then held out his hand.

"My lady?" I say laughing.

"Thought I'd try it. Anyway, ready to go?"

"Yes." I nod and then I walk outside and to his car.


We pulled in the parking lot of the movie theater and we then got out and walked hand in hand to the box office.

"Hi, two tickets to see Kingsman: The Secret Service." Chris then pulled out his card to pay and I took his wrist.

"Let me."

"No, it's not right for the girl to pay on the first date, or any date for that matter."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and watch as Chris pays and then we go inside the theater.


"Thank you Chris. I had a wonderful time." I say as we walk up the steps of my porch. We had agreed on skipping dinner because neither of us were that hungry.

"I did to Emily." I rummage through my bag and pull out the key to the front door.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask. For a moment there Chris stood there awkwardly as if he was expecting to meet my mom or something.

"Don't worry. My mom and sister are out." I walk in and Chris follows.

"Nice place, and nice stack of books." He gestures to the pile I had stacked up on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." I leave Chris standing in the living room while I make my way to my room to change out of my clothes. I changed into sweat pants and I stayed in my shirt. Then I turned to leave when I saw Chris standing in the door way.

"I didn't see anything..." He begins stumbling, covering his eyes with his hands.

"I swear!"

"Sure you didn't. What a pervert!" I laugh.

"Come on it's not like I haven't seen butts or panties before."

"Panties. Panties. Really Christopher." At this point we were both laughing.

"I have a younger sister. You know that."

"Still! This is a first date! What were you doing lurking in my door way anyway?" I then look at him sternly, crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry if I offended you- I was just looking around and all of your doors were closed-" I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Chris, it's fine." Then suddenly without warning Chris wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me towards him and he kissed me.

Shocked I stood there. Not knowing what to do or say.

"I'm sorry, again. Just the movies weren't a good time and-" Without thought I then pressed my lips against his.

"It's okay, and don't apologize." I whisper.

I apologize for the way this ended. I will be sure to update soon! Thanks for all of your reads! :)
- Katrina xx


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