Part 9

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- - - 2 Years Later - - -

I sat waitng for my named to be called. The sun shone brightly through the ample amount of clouds that were in the sky.

"Emily Jones." I was a Valid Vicorian and I nervously walked up to the stage. Mrs. Baker, our principle stood at the stage and also amoust her were people from the government and other high ranks in society. Everyone applauded as I walked up the steps and shook Mrs. Baker's hand. She then gestured for me to say my speech. I walked over to the microphone that was attached to the podium.

"A great writer once said "I think I am quite ready for another adventure." J.R.R Tolkien wrote that and I strongly feel that this was part of what helped me get through college. High school was hard to say goodbye too, knowing that most of these people that you have called friends from possibly the first day of high school, middle schools even, that you will never see them again. Friends are just a perk that come with school. They come and go. I had to tell myself this countless times. The future holds things beyond your greater imagination..." I continued on until I hand reached the end.

"And with the friendships, memories, all if it. I will take it with me but I think that I am quite ready for another adventure." clapping erupted from everyone and I then walked over and received my degree.


After everyone was mingling and taking pictures I was trying to find my family when I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

"Congratulations Miss Jones." I turned and saw Christopher standing there. A smile appeared on my face and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He kissed my cheek before handing me a small box.

"Chris, I thought that you were still in Maine." I ask as he takes my hand. Christopher went back to Maine, his home state, to spend time with family. I had not seen him in since his graduation which was a year ago.

"I had to come back to see you graduate. That was a splendid speech by the way." I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, it really wasn't. Anyway, god I just can't believe you are here. How come you didn't tell me that you were coming back?"

"Ah, I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well it certainly was a very good surpise." I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He pressed his lips agianst mine and I felt as it was just the two of us. Chris smelled of mint and lemon. I don't know what made me just now think of that but I did. It was a good feeling to have Chris with me, holding me in his arms.

"Excuse me." Chris and I broke apart and I saw Julie staning there. I glanced at Chris, who now was slightly blushing.

"Em, a few friends are going to a party later on tonight, would you like to come?" I stood there for a moment, thinking.

"No, I would like to spend some time with Chris. Maybe I'll show up later but you know that partiea really aren't my thing Julie." I said polietly and she then shrugged her shoulders and walked off. i didn't attend the part that night but instead spent my night with Chris. Curled up next to him on the couch in his apartment.

- - - 1 year after graduation - - -

I sat staring listlessly at my computer screen. Nothing. I had been sitting at my desk all night trying to think of an idea for my book. I planned on writing a book and once it was finished to send it into publishing to see if it would get published. I don't know what it was but I could not think of anything. Frustrated and angry I slammed the lid on my laptop and took off my glasses and set them down next to the computer. I didn't even make it to my room before I collapsed on the couch and tell asleep.


"Emily. Wake up." Alana gently woke me up.

"What time is it?" I ask frazzed as I looked around for the clock that was somewhere hanging in my family room.

"It is one in the afternoon. I'm just letting you know that I am going to work and mom is also at work."

"Okay, thanks Alana." and then she left. I picked up my phone and saw that I got a message from Chris and it read,

'Emily, will you meet me at the book store in half an hour? Thanks :)'

So I did. I pulled into the parking lot and then walked inside. I went to the café and saw Chris sitting there alone at the small mahogany coffee table by the window that we would normally sit at.

"Hi Chris." I kiss him on the cheek before I sit down across from him.

"Hi Em."

"So what's up? Please tell me you don't have to leave again." I look at him with a concerned and sad look in my eyes and he smiled.
"No, I'm not going anywhere any time soon." Relief swept over me and I felt my whole body relax. Chris had been frequently making trips back and forth. I felt guilty because Chris' family needed him. And I was part of the reason that Chris still stayed in Tampa. He was doing it for me. Me.

"Emily." I then looked at Christopher and it took me a moment for my brain to register that he was talking to me... And that he was down on one knee. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes.

"Emily. From the minute I first bumped into you here. I could not stop thinking about you. You changed my life after I met you. You showed me and taught me things I would have never taught to actually try myself. I found that missing piece of my life that day. You. Emily I love you, I love you more than anything in the world. I don't know what I would do if I haven't meet you. Emily Jones. Will you marry me?"
I stood there frozen. Tears silently running down my cheeks. It took me a while to realize that everyone in the café was staring at us. Waiting for me to give him an answer.

"I will." I whisper and Chris slides the ring on my finger.

Okay. So uh I honestly don't know. I've had a busy week, projects for the end of the third quarter, tests and quizzes. All that fun stuff. I know this is another shitty short segment. I said there would be a few time gaps and I'm sure it was confusing. It was confusing for me to write. I'll probably update on Saturday to explain what is currently happening. So thank you all for your reads! I love you all so much! Also I am not that great of a speller so I depend on autocorrect a lot so I apologize for my grammar mistakes :) I would go back and fix them but I am kinda lazy.
- Kat xx

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