Part 7

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Returning to work after being sick for 4 days really sucked. I walked through the doors and I looked around. Nothing changed. I then saw Julie walking towards me. She looked mad.

"EMILY MARIE JONES!" She shouted. Crap she was mad. I set my things down on the counter and prepared to get what was coming.

"How dare you not tell me you were sick?!" She said, her face red and flushed, her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Julie. I know I should have responded to your-"

"45 calls and over 100 messages. Yeah, you think?"

"Okay Julie. I understand, but when a person is sick they just want to rest. I slept most of the day and when I woke up I only ate or went to the bathroom." It was a lie. I felt bad telling a lie but it wasn't something major.

"Oh god. Fine. I'm just glad you're better." We hugged and then we went to clock in.

"Good news Em." She looked at me and smiled.

"What? Is Maroon 5 coming to town again?" I say getting excited and she laughed. I absolutely loved Maroon 5. Last time they had their tour and they came to Tampa, I was unable to go because of my father's recent death.

"No! You wish Em but this is even better. You ready to hear it?"

"Well yes!" I say.

"MRS. DEBOLT IS ON VACATION!" She said and I practically jumped with joy.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I say smiling.

"Yes!" I looked at her office door and it was locked. Thank god! The last thing I needed was her annoying the hell out of me and the rest of my coworkers.

"Yeah. She went to New Jersey for two weeks." Two weeks. That was even better. Although I still secretly wished that Julie would have said Maroon 5 was coming to Tampa. The news though was still good.

"Oh god. That's just fantastic."

"Truly. Everyone was thinking of throwing a party." Julie said sarcastically and I burst into laughter.

"Well I should get back to actually working. I'll see you on break?" I say to Julie before she goes to work the café.

"Sorry but I have a class at 12 so I'll be leaving earlier."

"Oh all right. Well text me or whatever." I then leave. As I walk to the back to go bring in some more books to shelf my phone began to ring. I smiled once I was who the caller was.

"Hey Chris."

"Hello love. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better."

"I'm glad that I am better."

"Good. So I have a surprise for you. Do you joking me for lunch at Panera bread?"

"Sure. I'll see you then!" I then hang up, wondering that the surprise will be. The day went by slow and anxiously I sat waiting for my break to happen. Soon enough, after it seemed like centuries it was time for my break and I waked down to Panera Bread to join Chris for lunch.

"Hi Emily." He said as I sat down.

"Hey." I said in reply quickly kissing him on the cheek.

"How are you?"

"Well. Mrs. Debolt is on vacation in New Jersey for two weeks so that's fantastic news. I'm obviously feeling better and I'm almost done with my sophomore year of college." I did most of my classes actually on campus on the weekends and some on weekdays. The school year was coming to an end and the I'd be a junior and Chris a senior. He was a year or two ahead of me.

"That's great to hear! I got you a salad. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine." Soon our food was delivered to our table and Chris and I ate and talked. I always loved talking to Chris because he would listen and I knew he wouldn't judge me.

"That's absolutely hilarious." He says once I finish telling him about when I was at Sea World and I really wanted to feed the stingrays, because I loved stingrays, and I had payed 5 dollars to feed them.

"Yes! I stood at the edge of the pool and then I did as the lady instructed and put the dead fish between my fingers and then placed the palm of my hand at the botton of the pool when all of a sudden about 20 rays came at me I then freaked out and pulled my hand out but one really wanted that fish and he jumped on the side off the wall and took the fish."

We both laughed once again.

"My mom took a video."

"Oh god. I need to see this video."

"Yes! You have to. I believe she has it on her phone. I'll ask her to send it."

"All right." he says still chuckling.

"My break is almost up. Want to walk back with me?"

"Of course." We then got up and then began walking back to Barnes and Noble when Chris took a seat on a bench a pulled me down next to him.

"Chris... I don't-"

"Before you go I don't want to forget to give you this." he pulled out a small gift wrapped in blue paper. It was roughly the size of a CD case. I took it, then opening the paper carefully to see that it was Maroon 5's newest album and my jaw dropped in shock.

"Chris... where did you get this. This isn't supposed to come out until next month!"

"I'm glad you like it. My cousin works with them and he always get stuff. I asked him to give me a copy because I knew that you like them."

"Thank you Chris." I then pull him closer to me and press my lips agianst his.


"Hi mom I'm home." I say as I walk in the door. I then realized I was talking to no one. There was a note left on the table and it read,

'Emily, I have to work the night shift again and Alana is sleeping over with a friend tonight.Sorry to leave you all alone. Call or text me if you need anything. -Mom xoxo'

Great. I texted Chris and asked him to come over and keep me compay. He said he ws glad to and also that he'd bring Subway for dinner since he hadn't eaten anything either. About 30 minutes later Chris came in.

"Guess who." he said as he placed his hands over my eyes.

"I don't know, a stingray?" I guessed jokingily.

"I am far more better looking than a stingray." Chris said as he then sat next to me on the couch.

"I beg to differ." I say then kissing him.

"Well if I'm a stingray I must be extra good looking to get such a fine lady stingray."

"Oh stop." I say all flirty and then we both laugh.


"Chris." I whisper.

"Yes love?" he says back.

"I don't think I have ever loved anyone as much as I love you."

Chris then looks at me and he stares at me for a moment before kissing me.

"I don't think I have either." then I fell asleep next to him on the couch with his arm around my waist and my head resting on his chest.

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