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Chris and I had been married for a year now and it was certainly nothing that I had expected. Chris had a job as a business accountant and I, a teacher. All my students were a joy to be around and I loved them all. It made me want a child of my own but of course there was hardly any time since Chris and I were barely together so it I didn't think that it was a very smart idea to start a family at the time. I was sitting at home on the couch watching the news when Chris walked in.

"Hello Em, I am sorry I am late. Joe had me stay late." he dropped his things on the kitchen counter and then came and sat next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder. I completely ignored him because I was annoyed at the fact that his boss, Joe had him stay late for the past two weeks.

"What's wrong Emily?"

"Our marriage Chris! You always stay late and I hardly see you anymore! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to go to bed." I brush his arm off my shoulder and stalk off to our bedroom. After I walked in I slammed the door behind me and flopped on the bed. I stared listlessly at the off-white ceiling and a sinking feeling flooded through my entire body, making me feel depressed.

"Emily?" Chris then peeked his head inside the door.

"Yes?" I mumble back.

"I'm sorry darling. You're right our marriage hadn't been the greatest in the past few months and I am truly sorry. How can I make it up it up to you?" Shyly he walked in and joined me on the bed.

"Chris, I don't think there is a way. When I got married I expected something different. I don't know what exactly but I know for certain that it isn't this." I glanced at the clock and it read 12:35 am. I stood up and Chris followed suit and I pulled back the covers and crawled in.

"Goodnight Christopher."

"Goodnight Emily." He then gently kissed my forehead and that was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.


I woke up to the aroma of coffee filling up the house. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see Chris standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning," I mumble as I run my fingers through my untidy hair.

"Good Morning love." he kissed me on the cheek as I appeared at his side.

"Today is Saturday so we can do as we wish. What would you like to do?"

"I think a walk through the park would be nice." Chris then hands me a cup of coffee and the cream.

"Sounds lovely, after breakfast we shall go."

"Splendid." A smile appears on my face as I bring the warm mug up to my lips to take a sip of the freshly brewed coffee. I was really looking forward to spending time with him and by the smile that was on his face and the twinkle that was reflecting off his eyes, I could tell that he was as well.


Chris and I sat on the bench under a great oak tree and I lay my head on his chest. His arm gently draped across my shoulder. I exhaled deeply and then inhaled, breathing in the fresh air.

"This was nice Chris," I said as my eyes watched a boy and his father play catch only a few feet away.

"I'm glad we had got to spend a day together but there is something else troubling you Emily, what is it?"

I move my head and look up at him, at first I did not want to say anything but the moment I looked into his brown eyes I just let all the words pour out of my mouth.

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