Part 4

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"Julie. We aren't dating."

"No. I don't wan to hear it. He'll probably ask you out!"

"Fine..." I mumble. I didn't feel like arguing. If anything I could get away with just getting a nice shirt. We pulled into the mall parking lot.

"Okay where to first? There are so many good stores! Come on!" Once again I was taken by the hand and dragged through the parking lot and into the doors of the mall.

"Julie. I can walk."

"Oh... Sorry. I'm just so exited for you. What store should we go in first?"

"Julie. I really would like to limit it to one store because Alana is home alone. My mom had to work the night shift again." It was just an excuse. I had lied because I did't want to go shopping but for 1 hour at least I would have to put up with trying on dresses and shoes.

"Okay. Fine." She huffs. We wonder the mall until Julie squeals.

"Ohhh Emily! We absolutely have to go in here!" She pointed to a store that read J. Crew.

"It's where I get all my clothes! They are so cute."

"I do have to admit. They do have some cute clothes." I looked in the window and saw a cute dress. It was 3 different shades of blue. Aqua blue at the shoulders, navy blue at the midsection and blue at the bottom with a sparkly black belt.

"I like th-" before I had a chance to finish my sentence Julie handed me 8 different dresses.

"Emily. Try these all on." Without saying a word I walked into the dressing room and put on the first dress and then walked out.

"No. It's to big at the waist, next."
I continued the same process for the next 7 dresses for which Julie each had a different comment about.

"It makes your butt look to big."
"It doesn't go with your skin tone."
"No, no, no. Absolutely not! To many vibrant colors. It takes away from your gorgeous eyes."

Finally I got annoyed with all of the comments and trying on the dresses so I finally spoke up.

"Julie. I really appreciate you helping me but the past 8 dresses haven't worked. I really like the blue one in the window. Earlier I tried to tell you but then you just shoved all of theses dresses in my hands."
She looked down with a disappointing look appearing on her face.

"I'm sorry Em. It is your dress. Why don't you go get that one from the window that you liked."

"Thank you. Why don't you get it and I'll change." She nods and I went back to go change. Then only moments later Julie's voice came through the curtian.

"Hey Emily... I got some bad news."

"What is it?"

"I went to the window and the dress wasn't there so I asked the lady about the blue dress in the window and she said she had just sold the last one. I'm truly sorry. What could I do to make it up to you ?" I felt like crying. For once in my life I had a guy look at me like I was not a geek and the one time I actually started getting used to the fact that I may actually have some kind of love life it started out horribly.

"Just take me home Julie."

We both walk back to the car and she drives me back home.

"I'm truly sorry."

"Its fine. Pick me up tomorrow morning? I kinda left my car in the parking lot."

"Of course."
I get out of the car and walk inside. Alana hadn't come home yet because she had to stay after to retake a biology test. I walk into my room and change out of my work clothes into sweatpants and a old high school t-shirt. Then walking into the living room and turning on the tv. There was nothing good on so I got up and picked the first movie my hand touched on the shelf. It happened to be The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. As the movie just started I received a phone call.


"This is Christopher, is this Emily?"

"It is."

"I was wondering if you would like me to join you during your break tomorrow for some coffee."

"I would love did you get my number?"

"I broke into Mrs. Debolts office. Well broke in isn't the proper term. I just snuck in when she left to go the bathroom." I laughed.

"Wow, and you didn't get caught. Bravo. I'll see you tomorrow."

Then with that I hung up and continued watching the movie.


"Hey Alana, how'd you think you did on the test?" I ask as she walks in the door. She drops her stuff at the door and then brusts into tears.

"Alana what happened?" I pulled her into a hug.

"I failed again..." She sobs.

"Its okay. Maybe you just need a tutor. Its not a bad thing. I had one when I was in my freshman year." She nods and then we go to Subway for dinner.


My shift then ended and like usual I sat in my normal spot by the window, waiting for Chris to show up. I had my nose in a book when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey." Christopher then took a seat across from me.


"Good read?" He gestures to the copy of the Two Towers I was holding in my hands.

"Yes, even on the 9th round it doesn't get boring... Oh. I'm sorry. I probably sound like a complete nerd."

"No I find it cute but is it bad that I have never seen any of the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings movies? Or read the books?" I then glared at him with the look of murder in my eyes.

"Don't kill me for not reading them." he jokes.

"Oh I wouldn't but how about I give you the copy tomorrow if I see you?"

"No, how about you give me your address and I will come pick it up later." I then glare at him once again.

"To soon?"

"Yeah.. To soon." He then reaches across the table and takes my hand.

"To soon for this?" he asks softly.

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