Author's Note #2

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Okay so I've realized that the past few updates have been slightly confusing so here is some of the clarifications...

Emily finishes college and is now 24 years old and she is working on being a writer. She still lives with her parents.

Chris is 26 and he is already out of college but due to family problems (the death of his aunt) returns to Maine to help out his family and he hasn't seen Emily in approximately two years but returns for her graduation and then spends 4 days with her before leaving. Then a year later comes back and buys an apartment near Emily's home to be closer to her, but he constantly takes frequent trips back to Maine.

Alana is now a Senior in high school and she's in the top ten of her class and plans to major in forensics in college.

Emily's mom still works as an RN at the local hospital but soon will be retired.

Julie (I can't remember if I wrote about her but I'm 99% sure I did.) Well Julie and Emily still are close friends but she currently is in New York with her family to visit because she has not seen them in 5 years.

So Chris and Emily are soon to be wed... :) yay! So that means a long update so it may take a while for me to figure everything out and make it all romantic and stuff (obviously I have no romantic experience and I just fangirl over middle aged celebrities XD) so yeah it may take a while. I love you all! Thanks so much for your reads!!!!
- Kat xx

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