Chapter 2 - Training

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POV Gine

It was exactly 7:00, the two doors to the training room slid open. My muscles were still sore from yesterday. It was quiet, there was only one person standing here where yesterday there were over a hundred people training. The muscular warrior who stood there turned around, my captain.

I put a smile on my face "Captain" I called out. Slowly I walked in his direction. Silently I wondered if this man could even smile, he had a serious look on his face.

"This morning I'm going to teach you a quick course in defense, this afternoon we're going on a mission." The captain had such a stern look, a lump came into my throat. I nodded that it was ok. I threw my bag on the floor and followed him into the ring.

For an hour, Bardock pushed me to the right position. Feet wide, knees bent and hands in front of your face. Again and again he lashed out with his fist. "You left your side open!" he shouted angrily. "You have to react faster" he snarled. "You have to keep your posture" he sighed while spitting on the ground.

Fasha also strolled in. She came to help with the training. Together they recited what the captain wanted to teach me. It looked so easy when she did it. Sighing I went back to my spot. Fasha adjusted my stance "try it now" she laughed.

Bardock lashed out again with his fist. He went so fast that I closed my eyes in fright. Then I was knocked to the ground. He growled angrily "Keep your eyes on me" while pointing at his face. "Captain!" snarled Fasha angrily. "What?" he snarled back.

POV Bardock

I felt desperate. How on Sadala am I supposed to train this girl. If we hadn't received a task so soon, if I had had a little more time. That general just wanted this girl to die or something. What had she done to him that he was so brutal as to force her into this.

From the side I looked into the fighting ring, Fasha helped Gine better than what I did. But at this rate she'll never learn all the basics. There must be a way to not have to take her along right? If this girl will come along it will be her death. I rubbed my hands over my face.

It was getting midday, the training arena was packed. We decided to get ready for the task. I was still bothered by Gine. How can I make sure she doesn't have to come along? Maybe I can hit her so hard she has to go to the infirmary. As we walked to the attack pods I kept thinking.

"So captain, ready for your task" the general suddenly walked beside me. "What is your problem general" I felt so angry. "Problem? I don't have a problem, you do" the general started laughing hard. I grabbed him by his armor I wanted to plant a fist in his face. He was too quick and I got a knee to the stomach.

"Uncle, what are you doing!" Gine and Fasha who were walking in front of me had turned around. Her eyes almost seemed to spit fire. Everyone was startled by the unexpected velocity. "Dear niece, congratulations on your first task, try to come back alive ok". Smiling, the general walked over to Gine.

As learned, I saw Gine move into position to defend. The general's hand slowly moved upward. "General, don't you dare touch her. She's on my squad. I don't care if she's your family or not. You keep your paws off my team". The older man turned around, lowering his hand.

Quickly I stood between the general and Gine. Automatically I put an arm around Gine's shoulder "come". The three of us walked on. The general was still following us. This way I couldn't dump Gine somewhere. And he kept hanging around us until we were actually in the pods and taking off.

POV Gine

For the first time in my life I saw the starry sky around me, never before had I been away from Vegeta. The feeling of fear flowed through me. But also a glimmer of hope. I couldn't put my finger on it; the captain had something protective that made me feel safe. He was quick to defend me when my uncle had turned on me.

Through my scouter I heard a voice "Gine?" My heart skipped a beat "Captain" I replied. "When we land you stay close to Fasha, understood." "Understood, Captain." Then it was silent again. Sighing deeply I closed my eyes. Calm before the storm.

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This is chapter 2 already. Will you let us know what you think? Gine and Bardock, I love them.

Xxx Vino Lilly

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