Chapter 3 - First blood

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POV Bardock

Our pods had landed. The doors opened, it was quiet around us. I saw Gine get out, her eyes shot back and forth anxiously. Fasha quickly stood beside her "Come on girl, we can handle this easily". She happily threw an arm around her neck.

"Okay men, this is plan. The team joined me. "Not far from here is a big city, that's where we're going first. Gine, do you remember the lessons?" Shyly she nodded yes. "Good! Team, don't leave anything intact and let's have some fun".

We flew into the air. Toward the city. Gine was able to keep up with us reasonably well, this surprised me. When we landed in the middle of the city we began to destroy. Tora and I had the most fun when we knocked over a group of soldiers with ki blasts. They were like bowling pins.

We gave each other a high five and kicked a few more soldiers aside. Shugesh and Borgos stood to the sides of the ladies. Fasha suddenly ran the other way "Fasha" I called out. And a shout and a snap followed. She stood on top a building and laughed amusingly "Sniper" she called as she dropped a creature to the ground.

Shugesh and Borgos focused on a group of soldiers to their right, Fasha flew towards Gine again. A soldier suddenly stood in front of Gine. Her narrow hands flew forward and without looking she fired a ki shot towards the soldier. The soldier shot backwards slightly. Meanwhile Fasha was jumped by three soldiers and one more was running towards Gine.

Shit, this is not going well. Without thinking, I dove toward Gine and shielded her from a shot. Startled, she looked at me. She balled her fists "idiot" she suddenly cried, she hunched slightly to the side and fired a shot with all her strength at the energy. The soldier went down. Gine's hands shot to her mouth startled.

The other soldier ran towards us. I blocked him "Gine go to Tora now". Gine ran away and I grabbed the soldier by his arm and broke it. I kicked him in the ribs and in the head. Fasha meanwhile had managed to work the three soldiers to the ground. "Regroup!" I shouted.

POV Gine

Everyone was standing around me, There was smoke and panic everywhere. I had just shot a soldier. But he wanted to attack my captain. "Did you hear me Gine?" startled, I looked up. The captain looked at me piercingly. "Follow Fasha and stay alive" he yelled.

Quickly I followed Fasha, we walked in the middle of the group towards a large building. A palace of sorts. "Let's visit royalty, I've put on my best armor for this." Fasha was having the most fun. "Thank goodness my hair is nice today" I joked, I was starting to feel safer. Fasha threw her fist in the air and cheered happily.

In the palace, the team did some pretty heavy damage. I did shoot some, but no individuals. It just felt weird; they were probably just as scared as I was. We came into a throne room. "Oh king, we are here for your throne, your head and of course your planet." The captain was so full of himself.

A large group of soldiers surrounded us. The captain's voice spoke to us "Ready men?" everyone nodded yes. "Remember your lessons, defend yourself, we will do the attacking" whispered Fasha. I moved into position. We were ready.

But the attack did not go as planned. They didn't attack us but me. They had figured out that I was the weak one. The captain tackled me to the ground and stood over me. I also tried to shoot some off. They just didn't realize that they were getting too close to the group with this attack and Tora had a victory smile on his face. Our group of Saiyans did not leave the soldiers in one piece. I couldn't do anything from the ground.

The captain suddenly leaped forward, heading straight for the king. With a ki shot to the chest, the king was dead. With the death of the king, the morale of the soldiers was suddenly lower. An easy victory followed. Not much later we were back at the pods.

Shugesh had made a fire. I could only stare into the flames. I felt like such a failure. With my legs raised, I rested my chin on my knees. The captain came and sat next to me, pressing a carafe of liquid into my hands. He looked at me smiling, my heart skipping a beat. "You're alive, mission accomplished." He obviously found himself funny. I tried to look at him angrily, he looked amused.

POV Bardock

This task could have gone so much faster, but I refused to give the general any pleasure. Gine had come into my squad. As captain, it's my job to keep the group together. But I hope to ditch her the next assignment. "Hey was I right in seeing you take down that one soldier?" it suddenly occurred to me. She still looked a little angry from my earlier joke. Well Nah not angry, more like adorable.

Fasha came to sit between us and threw her arms around our necks. "Yes I totally saw that, your first blood. We should celebrate that". She held out a carafe of liquid. We toasted. Then Borgos came into the camp, pulling an animal behind him. "Food!" everyone jumped up. We wanted to pull the animal to pieces. Then suddenly we heard a determined voice "Stop". Gine had jumped up.

She came in our direction "Captain, the knife from your belt please". Surprised, I handed her the knife. "When you pull meat apart it loses texture and flavor." She knelt beside the animal and began to cut. I had never seen anyone so skillfully break down an animal. "Where did you learn to do this?" asked Fasha in surprise. "Okay I'm never going to piss you off when you're holding a knife" joked Tora.

Gine had the biggest smile on her face. "Do you know the meat distribution center in West Yam City?" everyone nodded yes. Borgos suddenly said "they had the best meat there, even the king's cooks came to get their meat there." Gine giggled "that was because my mother was the best". A startled Borgos looked at her "Was meat cutter Sabi your mother?" Gine nodded yes. I didn't follow any of this anymore.

POV Gine

Not much later, everyone was eating. The captain suddenly looked at me. He wanted to say something but Fasha dropped down next to me. "Girl, you have to come on every mission! If we always have such good food". She threw an arm around me and pressed a kiss on my cheek. Surprised, I looked at her. "Fasha, please. Behave" growled the captain. "Ah Bardock, you're no fun at all." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Time to go team, we'll celebrate tomorrow. First we get off this stinking planet." The captain stood up. The camp was being abandoned. We left for home again. Just before boarding the plane the captain stopped me. "Tomorrow at 7:00 we will continue training." He walked on, I watched him get into his pod. He turned around and saw that I was still watching, quickly I disappeared into my pod feeling embarrassed. Time to go home.

The first crush jitters are happening. Proud of Gine! On to the next chapter.

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