Chapter 6 - Cold night

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POV Gine

Slowly, the pain that dominated my body disappeared. I was hanging inside the warm liquid in the Medical Machine. Along my cheeks I felt the air bubbles from the respirator. I heard voices outside the tank, but my eyes were closed. I was sedated and couldn't get them open.

I tried to focus on the voices outside the tank. There seemed to be an argument. Words like "fragile" and "weakling" I could hear. The voices I couldn't place; they were men. I heared a female voice, words sounded so distorted.

Feelings of failure and shame flowed through my mind. I let my team down, I was weak. If the captain had not been so committed to his squad I would not be here now. My mother popped into my head. She was always so strong, I failed her too. I want to get out of here!

POV Bardock

Along with Tora, I sat at the bar at Big Bertha. Tora started a rant about the general and what nonsense was supposedly in the report. Bertha stood near us "Boys please, Nappa was there. He has nothing with family and drama. He'd give his findings without that part. And otherwise I just refuse him beer" Berhta gave a big wink.

My scouter that was lying on the bar started beeping, I grabbed it and put it on my ear and pressed the button. Fasha's voice came through the speaker "Gine is gone" Surprised I looked at Tora who had heard nothing. "What do you mean, gone" I replied. "I wanted to see how she was doing and her tank was empty" Fasha was probably overprotective again and just being just Fasha.

A deep sigh escaped me "So what do the doctors say?" There was silence for a moment "She's gone without approval, she wasn't completely healed yet." Now I also got an uneasy feeling, this didn't make sense. Surely there was a logical explanation; Gine is smart enough not to leave when she is not completely cured, right? "Ok I'm going to search outside, stay there for when she comes back."

Tora also stood up, I ordered him to stay here. If she will come here to Big Bertha or if he will hear guests about Gine he could contact me. Quickly I walked through the door, out into the street. The evening was beginning to fall. Cold wind blew through my hair. "Fasha? Where is her scouter?" I asked. "In my hand" was Fasha's reply.

Quickly I flew into the air. I looked over the city, where could she be? Her old house maybe. I set my course to the small alley in West Yam City. I landed there, but it was empty. Only two rats by a garbage can. Out of frustration I fired a ki blast at them. Into the air again, I began to fly around again.

Her mother's old meat distribution center? My apartment? Still looked around the hospital. Nowhere could I find her. I began to worry. Fasha and Tora didn't hear or see anything either. Again I flew over the city. My eyes fell on the training ground. She wouldn't be there would she? But I already looked everywhere else.

When I arrived I saw nothing, no one. Or did I? In the middle of a combat ring I saw someone standing there, it was a person. Or someone hadn't cleared a dummy. I landed in the ring; I felt a sharp pain when I really saw who it was. "Gine?" I called out. She was standing there with only her under clothes on. A tight little pair of shorts and a sports bra. She was paler than usual, her hair still wet. She was shivering from the cold.

"Gine? What are you doing here?" I quickly walked up to her. She had her had her fists clenched. "I'm weak" she whispered. She dropped to her knees. I scooped her up in my arms. "I'll take you back to the hospital" but she gently squeezed my arm and shook no. I took a deep breath "but I'm not leaving you here, we're going home".

On the way home, I informed Fasha and Tora that I had found her. She was cold but seemed to have no more injuries. I told them that I will let her warm up in my house. Further message will follow tomorrow. Fasha was clearly happy with the news that her friend had been found, she went to Big Bertha for a beer with Tora and the boys.

Arriving at my house, I walked in. Gine still in my arms "Captain" she whispered. "Bardock" I corrected her. Only a weak smile followed. This time the couch was no good, I laid her down in my bed and I put a quilt over her. She was still shaking from the cold.

Quietly I sat down next to her and stared at the trembling little female. Quietly I put a hand on her upper arm. "Gine? Don't be alarmed, but I'm going to help you warm up. You're cold to the bone". My armor, I threw next to the bed and shirtless I crawled under the quilt with her. My body surrounded hers, my arm around her. She grabbed my hand and pressed herself closer to me.

"Bardock, you are sweet" whispered Gine. The trembling eased, I still held her. She seemed to be falling asleep, I didn't know what made her decide to leave the hospital like that, I could only guess. "Gine, I promise you this. You're getting out of the force, alive". Gently she squeezed my hand. We quickly fell asleep together.

POV Gine

The sun shined faintly in my face. The source of heat beside me from yesterday was gone, but I wasn't cold. I heard a rumbling and sat up straight. I saw a muscular shirtless man in the kitchen, no idea what he was doing.

Softly I heard the captain cursing. "What are you doing?" I asked. Startled, he turned around. My feet landed on the floor a I pushed myself right up from the bed. A little startled and embarrassed, Bardock looked at what he was doing. "Were you trying to fry an egg just now?" I asked amused. He took a deep breath and looked angrily at the frying pan.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter loudly. With a thrust to his hips, I pushed him aside and dumped the horror of burnt egg from the pan. "How many times have you fried an egg?" He refused to answer; in less than ten minutes I had two plates of eggs and toast. We dropped side by side onto the couch.

It was a good thing I had fried him an extra egg, the man could eat! He licked his fingers off "I'll just going to keep you permanent as my roommate" he joked. "Watch it, or you'll never get rid of me with those compliments" I pressed my feet under his buttocks. He ignored my cold toes like a champ. I smiled at him, which he answered with a wink.

A loud thump on the door. "That must be Fasha, I bet" Bardock got up and opened the door. Fasha stepped inside and flew at me. "Girl, don't ever scare me like that again ok!" Fasha hung around my neck. "Sorry" I stammered. "Why were you suddenly gone?" I took a deep breath. Fasha looked at me angrily, it was frightening.

I looked towards my toes which were getting cold again. "When I was in the tank I heard people arguing. I was fragile, a weakling. I wasn't worth the space. My feeling told me I was better off being gone". Then I felt a punch against my upper arm. "Get that idea out of your head real quick. You are part of our squad and you are my friend. Don't ever be stupid again!" Fasha looked at me angrily.

Again she gave a big hug, Bardock started laughing. "Women" he said shaking his head. Fasha and I cast him an angry look. He just laughed. "Anyway, time for training. And Gine you stay here, you still need to rest" the captain grabbed his armor and put it on. "See you tonight" Fasha and Bardock disappeared towards the training ground. I got back into bed, quickly falling asleep again.

POV Bardock

"Spill it" Fasha cast me a curious glance. "What?" I snapped at her. She rolled her eyes. "You know damn well what's going on. The general and Gine". I put my hands in my neck "Did you know that warrior legend Wusabu is her mother? Who is also the general's sister. Something happened there and the general is still angry about it".

"Wow, ok" Fasha pondered. "But now we are going to train, I am ready for a hard training. Tomorrow there will be time for answers. Ready for a good fight?" Fasha cast me a determined look while she slammed her fists together "Time for a good beating, captain."

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I hope you guys liked this chapter. Let me know what you thought. A like or Kuddo is appreciated <3

Xxx Vino Lilly

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