Chapter 10 - My Girl

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POV Bardock

I was at Big Bertha and there were all kinds of things happening around me, but I just stared at my pint of beer in front of me. I didn't feel as satisfied as I usually feel after a victory. Everything went as it was supposed to, right? We won, there was justice and Gine had come out of the force alive as promised. I took a deep breath.

My team came in; I heard that through the enthusiastic squeal of our barmaid Bertha. Tora dropped down against the bar and looked at me thoughtfully. Fasha squeezed herself between us "Where is Gine?" she looked sternly.

Again I looked at my beer "she's gone". Fasha got angry "What did you do?" I turned to her "she's out of the force". Tora put a hand on his face and Fasha shook her head. "I should hope so, but why isn't she here?" I didn't follow Fasha thoughts anymore, what did she mean?

"Okay, I'm going to ask again simply. Why is Gine, not in the bar with you?" Fasha looked at me sternly again; I made myself big and looked at my beer again. I grabbed the pint and took a big swig. "Still I don't know what you mean Fasha." Then I got a slap from Tora against my back of the head.

I looked at my buddy "what was that good for?" He sighed "idiot, you're sitting here moping at the bar and everyone knows why but you". Again I looked at my beer, I just didn't feel happy. "You're stupid you know that?" Fasha continued. "You let her go? Just like that? Where is she now? Hey is she even safe?" she sounded sarcastic and commanding.

Fed up with the two of them, I balled my fists and stood up "She's gone to her own house, and that's how it's going to be. Her extreme softness is not good in our warrior life style". Fasha rolled her eyes and Tora slapped a hand against his face again. Fasha began "keep lying to yourself, but you two care about each other. And you can't deny that captain!" I dropped back on the stool, yes I cared about her. I couldn't deny that.

Then I took a big sip of my beer. Damn I thought, why did I feel so shitty? Yes maybe I knew it; I shouldn't have left like that. I just got nauseous. With a quick motion I got back up "I have to go somewhere!" Fasha and Tora looked at each other for a second and then back at me. But I was already out the door.

POV Gine

I sat on my couch, my house was tidy. It was clean and fresh but somewhere I miss that smell of a certain sweaty man. We had parted so abruptly, even with an argument. I was where I wanted to be now, but I was suddenly so lonely. I let myself fall back on the couch.

Slowly I was drifting off to sleep but was suddenly awakened by a loud banging on the door. Secretly I got an inside chuckle, Bardock always got so grumpy when he was waked up by a knock. I walked to the door and opened it slightly. A hand pushed the door open further. "Bardock!" I yelled in surprise.

He stepped inside while I walked backwards. He had a concentrated look and he looked at me tightly. The door closed behind Bardock. "What's going on?" I asked a little tense. "Gine, I" he began to stutter. Then he shook his head no and said "screw this!"

Two large hands grabbed my face and he pulled me towards him. His lips touched mine, an intimate kiss was following. My heart pounded in my chest. His lips tasted surprisingly sweet. My arms wrapped around his neck. Suddenly, he let go of my face and placed his hands on my back and slid down. He grabbed my buttocks and lifted me up.

The kiss became more intense. He pressed my lips a little apart and we became entwined in a French kiss. Abruptly he stopped and looked at me "Gine?" My hand slid through his hair. "Yes Bardock?" His onyx black eyes stood questioningly "may I make you mine?" Without saying anything I answered his question with a kiss, no words were needed.

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