Chapter 5 - Rapport

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POV Gine

I was startled awake by a loud knock on a door. Walking past the couch was the captain, without armor or shirt! I suddenly sat up straight. I watched at his muscular back as he opened the door

"Tora it's six in the morning, what's up man". Tora pressed a paper into Bardock's hands. "A task has come in; you didn't answer through your scouter". Bardock looked at the piece of paper. I saw his scouter was under my bag. I put my legs on the ground and stood up.

"Oh I hear someone inside, did you have a girlfriend over? Dude! Anyway see you in an hour Bardock". Tora walked away and the captain pushed the door shut. He turned to me. "I don't want you to come with us" he commanded me.

I dropped on the couch "I understand, Captain" I whispered. The captain sat down next to me. "Are you going to keep calling me captain? You slept on my couch; you can just call me Bardock". We both smiled at each other. Then there was another knock on the door.

Growling, the captain stood up. He opened the door again, but someone pushed it further open and stepped into the apartment, Fasha! Surprised, she looked my way and then at Bardock. She had an amusing smile on her face "had fun?" she laughed.

"Fasha we know about the task, Tora was ahead of you." Bardock closed the door. Fasha came and sat next to me. "Did you sleep on the couch?" she asked surprised. I nodded yes; she slapped her hand in front of her forehead. "Lady's! Bardock our gentleman." The captain crossed his arms and did not look pleased.

Another knock on the door, I almost thought the captain will pull hairs out of his head in frustration. "Tora?" the captain sounded surprised. "I forgot to tell you a detail." The door opened further and Tora stepped inside. Surprised, Tora looked at Fasha and me.

POV Bardock

"Bardock! You dog!" Tora looked at us. "Fasha just walked in and Gine slept on the couch here." I was already not a morning person and this way especially not after waking up like this. "Ok, but I forgot to tell you that our favorite general is going with us. Something about a report on the team?"

"A report? It's not for two months and normally that general never goes with our team? "But I knew what was going on, it's Gine. The poor girl couldn't get a break either. I must know what is going on here.

Tora and Fasha walked to the door. "Gine and I will see you later at the attack pods." Tora and Fasha walked out of the house. I turned to Gine. "Sorry, I can't get out of this one. You have to come with us". Gine walked over to me and put a hand on my forearm. She smiled "You trained me well, Cap ehm Bardock".

An hour later we arrived at the attack pods. Our team stood together waiting for the general. "Why is that report now?" asked Shugesh. "Because I am inducting my successor, everyone this is Nappa" our team turned to the two men behind us.

"Morning general. Nice to see you again Nappa". I remembered Nappa from back in the day. We had even been on a team together when we were kids. He was a strong warrior from a powerful family. He had eventually joined an upper class team.

POV Gine

We landed on a Savanna-like planet. There wasn't much there. Large aggressive creatures roamed the land. The captain told us the plan, stay together and kill everything you see. It all sounded so simple. Behind me I saw my uncle chuckle, I had a bad feeling.

We walked with our team followed by the other two men. Whereas my uncle ignored everything that happened, his young successor still occasionally joined in the slaughter of the creatures. He was like an over enthusiastic dog at times. He had apparently been on a team with the captain in the past.

A large group of creatures attacked us and I became separated from the group as I was knocked away towards a ravine, a creature followed me down. A large paw-like hand hit my side and I crashed into a rock wall, my shoulder was dislocated. A large foot kicked me forward and I rolled over the rocks.

Trembling, I was on my feet again. With all the strength I had left I fired a ki blast. But I was not strong enough. Tears rolled down my cheeks, this was the end. A hand picked up my whole body and lifted me into the air. He applied force and I felt bones breaking.

The hand suddenly released me, the creature collapsed. I also fell towards the ground but two arms scooped me up. My eyes slowly opened again my savior was none other than my captain. Words I could not bring out, my head rested against his chest.

"Gine, are you still there?" My eyes opened again, we were flying in the air. "Yes captain" I whispered. We landed, I felt us stop. We walked into a cave. He laid me down on the cold ground. "Here you are safe for a while, after the task I will pick you up again." I could only manage a small grateful smile.

POV Bardock

I left Gine in a cave, it seemed the safest place. After a few taps on my scouter, I knew where my team was. Quickly I rushed in that direction. Arriving Fasha ran towards me "she is safe, but I want to finish here quickly". Fasha nodded. No brakes, we didn't need to hold back now.

After about an hour, we were done. "You guys go to the pods; I still have to pick someone up." Fasha wanted to follow me but I stopped her. "I'm faster alone, she's hurt. I don't want to waste any time". She looked angry but understood what I meant; I was the fastest of our team.

Arriving at the cave, I saw that Gine was sitting against the wall. I saw a wound on her arm, it wasn't there before right? A little further on I saw a dead creature lying. She had still been fighting in the state she was in. Quickly I knelt beside her "Gine?"

A weak smile appeared on her face "Captain" she whispered. I lifted her up. "Let's go" I felt her head against my shoulder. Quickly I hurried back to the pods while holding her close to me in my arms. Fasha ran towards us when we landed. "Gine! Is she?" Fasha put her hand against Gine's face and looked worried.

"She is alive, she fought well. Although, now she needs medical attention quickly". I put her in her pod and wanted to set the auto pilot. Fasha pushed my hand away "I'm staying with her, I'm flying". Fasha sat down next to Gine. The girls were both not broad so there was plenty of room. "See you girls later" and the pod door closed. And they flew up, to our home planet.

"Ah how incredibly involved you are with your team captain." Angry, I turned around; the general was standing next to Nappa. I was fed up with that man. I walked directly to the man with my fist ready to strike. Nappa stopped me. "What's going on here?" Nappa asked curiously.

I crossed my arms. "Nappa do you note that this captain wanted to attack a general" shouted the general. "Oh? If we are going to take notes anyway I want your answer recorded. Why do you want Gine dead? She is practically homeless while you collect all her money. And you're forcing her onto a team as she is a non-fighter. Answer me general!"

The general looked at me amusedly. "How I maintain my niece's life is my business. She has no other family but me, as her guardian I decide for her. As I see fit." My fists trembled angrily, this was not fair. Suddenly Nappa said surprised "that girl is your niece? Is she the offspring of Wusabu?"

Everyone looked at Nappa, then at the general. Wusabu was almost a legend. The woman was one of the most powerful fighters, fast and brutal. But suddenly she disappeared. "Yes, she is the daughter of Wusabu. My sister dropped out of the army to raise that pathetic excuse of a Saiyan. We could have won so many wars if she had fought. But she was out there hiding and playing mama."

"You're mad at your sister and your niece has to suffer? I'd be careful if I were you" I snarled at the general. "Nappa, I heard a threat" the general had a mean grin. "What? I wasn't listening anymore sorry" Nappa was already walking away. The general looked furious.

Quickly we disappeared into our pods. I had a few answers, but feel like it's not the complete story. It shouldn't really matter to me. I am a Saiyan warrior. I didn't quite understand why I was bothered by this. Even though I wanted to go home quickly now, I made contact with Fasha. They were already well on their way. Gine was stable but in a lot of pain. It worried me. I had no understanding of what I was even feeling now.

Our badass Bardock is starting to have feelings. Although Saiyans don't really understand what that is.

Leave in the comments what you think.

Xxx Vino Lilly

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