Chapter 9 - The Warrior and the Monk

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POV Gine

I pushed Fasha's arm aside and walked past her. My uncle had gone crazy was all I thought. My feet stopped walking the moment I stood in front of the group. "Uncle! Explain, what is going on here?" The man started laughing hysterically. A hand grabbed my wrist and forced me to take a step back, it was Bardock.

"Oh my dear little niece, the offspring of my wonderful sister and that terrible good monk. It still makes me sick just thinking about it. You should never have been born." My uncle looked at me sternly, my fists balled in anger. "Uncle, please stop this nonsense?"

My uncle suddenly seemed to get angry. "Nonsense? Nonsense you say! Your mother and I together were the perfect almost legendary fighting duo. But then she went looking for balance, seeking peace of mind or something. And she was gone more and more often. She fought less brutally, less often and it's all because of that damn temple. We lost soldiers because of that. "

Suddenly I felt an arm around my waist, Bardock had moved closer to me. He was ready for a fight I could see it in his eyes, but physically he was still exhausted. "What does your sister have to do with your niece, this doesn't make any sense. Explain, why do you want to hurt Gine?" Startled, I looked at my uncle again.

"Because she's an embarrassment! You cannot call my dear little niece a Saiyan! I heard stories that monks have a dormant power, who cares? You have no use for that. Those goody-goodies in the temple worshipped a Super Saiyan god, they believed they were descendants. And her progenitor was the abbot of that disgusting place." The man continued his rant.

"My mother told me once about my father, he was the sweetest and bravest man she had ever known. She told them that he had died while protecting her from a monster. You were that monster! Weren't you?" I pressed myself closer to Bardock in fright. His arm held me tighter.

POV Bardock

I felt Gine tremble with fear and anger. This man had taken too many blows to the head. "Did you destroy the temple to?" I had to know. The general laughed "Yes, and it was the most beautiful bonfire ever. I'll finally get my sister back, but then she said she was pregnant. They destroyed my life!"

Tora stood next to us "Ok, and why did they destroy your life again. You weren't pregnant? You were still fighting?" But then I figured it out, no one has seen the general really fight in years. He was not strong enough alone, his sister was his power force. He lost his legendary status without her.

"Ok I understand now that you were nothing without your sister. You are weak all alone, but do you feel such resentment for the incident that Gine your own niece had to suffer?" surprised I looked at the general. The general got a dirty smile "Not directly, I wanted to make her a warrior, I wanted to harden her. But she disgusting like her parents all together. I can't stand it any longer".

The general launched an ki attack directly at Gine. I turned in front of her and shielded her. A ki shot came directly against already open wound on my back. I collapsed to the ground. Gine tried to catch me, I was too heavy. I lost consciousness.

POV Fasha

Now I was fed up! That man has Saiyan blood on his hands. He has betrayed not only our race but even his family. With a direct attack I charged him. He blocked me but I was too fast for the old general. With a twist I was behind him. With a kick in his back he went down. He shot a few ki balls at me, I blocked them with ease.

In the meantime he rolled onto his back; I brought a hand toward his face. Energy formed in my palm, I really had him now! "Wait!" Irritated, I looked behind me, it was Nappa. "What? This man is a traitor" I shouted. "That's what I heard; now he has to answer to the king." Nappa stood beside me and grabbed the general by the head and dragged him along.

Our group was left behind. "What do we do now?" I asked. Tora took a step forward. "The captain, Gine and that boy need to go to the medic center. I will bring them; you guys go back to the battlefield". We nodded and split our ways.

POV Bardock

Warm liquid surrounded my body; there was a sensation of rest. With great difficulty I got my eyes open. Vision was blurred by the liquid. Everything was a grayish blue color. It was clear that I was in the medic center.

My eyes wandered around the room, machines and doctors were visible. My eyes lowered, there was someone sitting against the tank? Was that Gine? What was she doing here? My heart made a jump when I saw that she was awake. She stood up and looked at me with her big bright eyes.

She wanted to say something to me but she was approached by a man. She had her hand on the tank, she turned around and walked away with the man. She was saying something, I couldn't hear her. My eyes closed again, my body still needed to recover.

I lost the concept of time. But suddenly I felt my strength return, the fluid level dropped and the tank opened. Tora was waiting for me and threw me a towel "please put some clothes on my friend". Dripping wet I stepped out of the tank.

"Just in time captain, the general is being brought before the prince" Tora stood in the doorway while I put on my armor. I looked at him in surprise "the prince? Why not the king?" Tora stood straight up "he died on the battlefield".

POV Gine

Along with Fasha, Shugesh and Borgos, I stood in the throne room of the castle. Next to me was a small boy of six years old, he was holding my hand. "Zorn, did you see him yet?" I asked softly. He shook his head no. But then we heard a voice behind us "Zorn! You are safe" a big broad man was standing behind us.

"Dad!" the little boy ran towards the man. "Thank you miss" said the man and he walked away along with his son. "And that's why I never want children" surprised I looked at Fasha who was standing with her arms crossed. "What do you mean?" I asked surprised. "You are going to worry; I already have you to worry about". I gave her a big hug "you are the sweetest" I laughed.

"Wait! What about me?" surprised, I turned around. The captain was standing there with his typical full of himself smile. I shook my head "You should have gone to the medic center earlier, you kept a scar on your cheek." He rubbed it. Then a loud voice filled the throne room.

"Everyone stand, Prince Vegeta the III" Everyone looked at the great prince walking across the room to the throne. He turned around "Today my father should have stood here; he died with dignity as a true warrior on the battlefield. From this day forward I shall be king. And my first task will be to judge the treason of our general against his own race".

We watched as Nappa dragged my uncle forward and threw him at the feet of the new king. "General, are you guilty of the fire and the deaths of the inhabitants of the temple at the foot of Buzoku Mountains?" My uncle made a bow "I have done what is necessary for" but he could not finish his sentence. A large ki blast hit him. He was left charred on the ground,

Horrified, I looked the other way, nauseated at where I stood. I still heard the king say "I have no interest in this, Nappa congratulations. You are now first general". I walked away, out of the throne room. I ran out of the castle.

About half an hour later, I was standing in the middle of a deserted training ground. My head was doing overtime. Everything that had happened, tears were running down my face. I just couldn't believe it all. I knew my uncle had blood on his hands, but a brutal death like that? I threw a ki blast toward a dummy.

"What are you so angry about?" quickly I turned around. Bardock was standing smiling at me. "What are you smiling about? The prince, ehm king was too hard, too brutal". Then Bardock's face pulled to anger. "Are you all right in the head? The man wanted you dead!" I shook my head violently "I know, but." "No buts, the man got what he deserved, done!"

Then he pressed an envelope into my hands. I accepted it and took out a letter; it was a letter of resignation from the force. "There are also keys and an address in it for your new house, bye Gine". Bardock turned and walked away, he just walked away? I wanted to yell something but I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. I watched him disappear through the doors. My heart felt broken, I was also so angry. I was angry at him, at myself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aaaaah is this the end? No of course not. I will work on the next chapter immediately ;) 

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