Chapter 8 - Dormant powers

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POV Bardock

We ran into the pub. Our group had gathered along with several other warriors. "Anyone have any idea, who is stupid enough to attack Saiyans on their home planet?" I shouted. Nappa suddenly stood with the group "It's the Whiskey industry Organization, rival to Frieza's Planet Trade Organization. They know that we are Frieza's strongest fighting force".

It was the middle of the day, we have no moon. "Warriors, let's give them a proper Saiyan welcome" I called out. Everyone ran out into the streets. We saw big ships landing. A large group followed Nappa my team along with Leek, Bertha and a few others stayed with me. "Attack!" I shouted.

It was chaos in the streets. Fighters were running and flying toward the ships that were just landing. We arrived at the border of the city. We saw green and gray aliens coming out of the ships. They were not wearing scouters like us but seem to be wearing some kind of communication band around their heads. I read the power levels, but they varied greatly.

A small distance from us I saw the old king Vegeta II with his son the prince Vegeta the III who was a lot taller than him. The old king held up his hand, it was the signal to wait. Suddenly I felt a hand on my lower arm; I looked aside and thought shit Gine is here too! She was staring at the king.

The old king pointed forward and the entire Sayian army attacked. Screams and cheers filled our ears. The first painful howls could be heard from both sides. My fists hit the jaw of an alien, he went down. A Ki shot hit my arm and responded with a shot from within myself. It was complete chaos; this is what I lived for!

POV Gine

With everything I had in me I tried to defend myself and attack where necessary. Constant scanned my eyes for the captain, Fasha or any other member of our team. I almost tripped over a dead person and crashed into an alien. He wanted to grab me by my throat but I fired ki shot from both my hands into his stomach, he flew backwards.

I ran on, fear and panic overpowering me. Then I saw something small lying there, was that a child? My body turned and arrived at a little boy about six years old. His tail was half off; he had a large wound in his shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I saw an alien attacking us and as learned I took my defensive stance and blocked the attack. The alien wanted to attack again but was lifted by the neck and its neck broke in a snap.

I lifted the child into my arms. "Gine!" with a jolt I turned around. "Captain!" I stared at the man in front of me for a moment. "Run with child to the medic center ok?" I nodded yes and ran as fast as I could between the fighting warriors with the child in my arms.

While running, I was blown away in an explosion. My vision was blurred for half a minute, quickly it came back and grabbed the child again and ran on. A headache was still pounding in my head, I tried to ignore it. I ran towards the pass which leads to the medic center. A ship flew over us, more were coming.

POV Bardock

My hands were holding two alien heads; with brute force I smashed them together. I had a big grin on my face, this was pure joy. I kicked the chest of one alien and it banged against Tora. "Sorry Tora! You were in the way!" I shouted. Tora grabbed the alien and threw it back, Fasha kicked it mid-air "stop playing around boys."

Then I saw several ships approaching, flying right over us. They were flying towards the east, that's where our medical center was. Three big ships landed close to there, there was Gine too! Through my scouter I tried to reach Gine, shit she didn't have it on when we ran down here. I shot a glance to Tora "I'm heading east, Gine is alone there!"

Quickly I rushed in that direction, meanwhile knocking down aliens with my fists. I ran off the battlefield and onto the path. I ran past some fighters who were wounded, I ignored them. Suddenly around the curve I saw a group of green fighters with Gine against a wall. With a large ki ball of energy in my hand I knocked the first one down.

I blocked their path to Gine who had placed the child against the wall behind her. She came and stood next to me "ready captain?" she asked. "Ready when you are." As I attacked the soldier Gine protected the child. They were strong, maybe too strong. I saw that Gine was knocked down.

"Team, over here now!" I called for my team thru the scouter because alone I could not protect Gine and the child. A large wide alien came forward. "Do you want to dance" I laughed. The alien said nothing and attacked me. I felt an elbow in my back and fell to the ground. I rolled onto my back and shot off ki energy.

The enemy slammed backwards but quickly managed to recover. He ran at me while I was still on the ground. This did not look good. A fist in my gut, a fist against my head. A beep buzzed through my ears. It was too strong, but I couldn't leave Gine to her own fate.

With a push I was back on my feet and flew at the alien. My fists managed to land some powerful blows. But a hand to my stomach and with a ki shot I was blown against the wall, I fell to the ground next to Gine. She had tears rolling down her cheeks, everything went black for me.

POV Fasha

The captain sounded serious. Quickly our team ran after Tora toward the path. He was alone with Gine, I hadn't noticed that she had come along on the battlefield. We stopped suddenly when we saw the power levels on our scouters.

Tora turned around "I see a weak, some medium and a very high power level that is still going up. Everyone prepare yourselves". We ran around the curve and stopped abruptly. "Gine!" I yelled, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Gine stood next to Bardock, her gaze fixed on that big alien, she had tears in her eyes and she seemed to growl softly. "What is this? Is the power level really Gine's?" I looked at Tora who nodded yes and said "I've only heard stories about this, dormant powers they are called". I looked at my friend again; she was so badass like that! But also scary, because she seemed to have no control.

Suddenly I heard Gine shout "Leave us alone!" She got a red glow around her, brought her hands forward and a big ball of engergy formed, strength fast blast was fired at the big alien. He in turn went to the ground, dead. Gine then fainted. I ran directly at Gine. She was not badly injured "She is exhausted; her high power level is also gone!" I noticed.

POV Bardock

Slowly I opened my eyes, the light was hurting. Still there was a buzz in my ear. I rolled onto my side and saw Fasha with Gine. Fasha had a startled look, Gine was unconscious. I looked around further, the whole team was there. Tora, Shugesh and Borgos were fighting some aliens. The big broad alien was already lying dead on the ground.

"Fasha" I stammered. "Captain, ready for another round?" she grinned. I sat up straight, trying to get into my feet. "How's Gine?" I asked as I looked at the females. "Just unconscious, no major injuries." My gaze went back to the dead big alien "who did that?" as I pointed at it. Fasha started laughing.

She came up beside me "Captain, we'll have to do quite a bit to catching up later". I didn't understand her, but together we joined the team. It didn't take much or this group of aliens had been exterminated.

We regrouped. "Captain, you need medical attention" Tora commanded me. "Ah it's just a small wound" I joked. Gine also regained consciousness, she got to her feet standing up, Fasha ran up to her and supported her. Together they looked at the little boy by the wall.

Then we heard clapping from the shadows. The general stepped into the light. "So this is what my sister was hiding, I knew stories had to be true." Our team moved into attack position. Fasha shielded Gine. "What are you talking about?" I shouted. "Just ask your team, they saw it." I tried to suppress the compulsion to attack him.

"It was a nice show, my niece is entertaining but this kind of power is not the Saiyan way. Gine ready to meet your end. Just like your parents met their end". The man had a scary smile on his face. I was preparing for another fight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Unfortunately, this chapter ends in a cliffhanger.

The writing of Gine's dormant power scene was inspired by her grandson Gohan who also has dormant powers. Personally, the two have a lot in common. What do you think of this idea? Please let me know.

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