Chapter 4 - Big Bertha

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POV Bardock

We had been training every day for seven days in a row. I sat observing on the edge of combat ring. Gine and Torao were sparring. Fasha was shouting tips to Gine. The girl did her best, but she lacked the passion for fighting that a Saiyan normally had.

"What a mockery" I heard, angry I looked aside. "General" I snarled. Slowly I stood up and turned to face him. "But she is still alive, compliment to you Captain". The general looked at his niece with a harsh look.

The sparring exercise stopped. Gine looked anxiously at her uncle. Fasha didn't put up with the general interfering in her friends life and stormed up to the man. "Fasha stop" I ordered. Gine was still standing in the middle of the ring.

"Why don't you mind your own team" Fasha was no longer listening to me. "Cheeky brat" and the general gave her a punch with his fist and a knee to her stomach. I grabbed the general's collar and pulled him backwards.

The general fell backwards to the ground. This was not because of me; beside me suddenly stood an angry Gine. Her hands still forward from her push against her uncle. The general made an energy ball in his hand, I slapped his hand aside. "Get lost general, and fast."

Meanwhile, Tora, Shugesh and Borgos were also at the scene. As a team we were always strong, the general knew that he had no chance to continue his bullying. "See you soon little niece" with those words he stood up and walked away with a grin.

Gine sighed deeply; Fasha threw her arm proudly around her neck. "Girl, see! You can stand up for yourself." Gine had a smile on her face "I just hate injustice; he had no reason to attack you". Now if she could use those ideals in her fighting too, I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Shugesh looked at a clock "I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for a drink". Borgos rubbed his belly "and food". "Then there's only one place we're going now" I laughed. The squad shouted in chorus "Big Bertha".

POV Gine

The team wanted to go out for food and drinks. It was better that I didn't go, I had no money and won't fit in I thought. "Umm girl, where are you going so fast" Fasha stood behind me. Stuttering I started "you guys are going for a drink and". Not that I could finish my sentence. "Yes we are going, so you too. No discussion!"

Half an hour later, our team stepped into 'Big Bertha'. A large sturdy woman stood behind the bar "Bardock dear, where have you and your boys been all this time?" The big woman walked out from behind the bar and enclosed the captain in a big hug and lifted him into the air. Spontaneously I let out a giggle.

"Oh and who is this adorable little gal?" Big Bertha put a hand on top of my head. Fasha threw an arm around me "this is Gine, our newest team member". The big woman looked at me "that deserves a round boys, on the house!"

Less than five minutes later and everyone was sitting at a large table with a large pint of beer in front of us. More teams entered the cafe. A large roast came to the table and the men were telling tough stories. I don't know if it was the alcohol or if I was feeling comfortable. I was having the greatest time.

Time for my round, I walked over to the bar and counted out coins. My last coins went out to a round for my team. But I couldn't make them pay for everything, I refuse to. A large muscular half balding man came and stood next to me at the bar. He reeked of liquor and sweat "hi honey".

I tried to ignore him. He pressed himself closer to me. "Honey, want to have a fun night?" He gritted a few teeth. "I'm here with my squad" I said, trying to look angry. The man began to smile broader. "You can always be part of my squad" he brought his face to my height. I heard a cough behind me.

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