Chapter 12 ~ Battle On the Bridge! Zabuza Returns

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A/N: Features the events of episode 12

I would like to point out that (Y/N) is an INTJ-A in this fic, so if you don't like her, that's probably why.

Warnings: mentions of Sasuke potentially having a big dick-

The next morning, you sent a message in the mail to Kiba's home. Though you couldn't tell him about everything that was going on or where you were, you expressed that he was your best friend, something you often forgot to remind him of. 'I miss you and Akamaru a lot. I'll try to get back to you in one piece. Stay safe, okay Kiba? With all my heart, (Y/N).'

You meant it. You would do your damndest to stay alive and remind Kiba how much your friendship meant to you. Coming face-to-face with death was an eye-opener for you. You looked forward to getting to see him again. That is, if you survived.

You walked downstairs, meeting Sakura in the hallway. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she yawned, fanning a hand over her mouth.

At the table, Tsunami placed your breakfast before you and you thanked her. It was oddly quiet as you looked around. "Where's Naruto? He left last night and hasn't come back."

Sakura scoffed. "He's such a fool. He's been out every night climbing trees."

"What part of training is bad, especially when he was at the bottom of our class?" You challenged, picking at your food. "Though he should at least come back to eat."

"He might be dead already from using up too much chakra."

You stole a piece of bread off the table and stood up. "Then I'm going to look for him."

Sasuke shook his head silently then stood up. "I'm going for a walk."

As you walked out the door together, he asked harshly, "Why are you looking after that loser? We'd be better without him."

You glared at him. "He's still our teammate, and he performed plenty good when we were up against Zabuza. If Naruto's out there exhausting himself to improve his skills, someone should be there to make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

"Tch." Sasuke walked away from you without another word.

You started your search for Naruto by checking the place where Kakashi had you practice. Though he wasn't there, marked trees stretching into the forest guided you to where he was passed out on the ground. Hovering over him was a woman in a light pink with red swirl patterned dress.

You watched from behind a tree, flicking out a shuriken when you saw her hands approach his neck, but she paused and shook Naruto awake. "You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping here."

Naruto groaned and sat up clumsily, rubbing at his eyes. "Who're you?"

The woman smiled with closed eyes, but didn't say anything.

A faint blush lit up Naruto's cheeks. "Uh... did you wake me up, sis? I mean, what're you doing here?"

You scowled. Don't change the question, Naruto. Find out who she is, and why she didn't tell you before.

"I'm gathering medicinal herbs," she explained.


She chuckled sweetly. "Yes. For healing injuries, sickness, and the like."

Why would she need them? Your grip tightened on your shuriken, the sharp edges cutting into your skin lightly.

"Oh," Naruto stood up. "Let me help you!"

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