Chapter 13 ~ Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors

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A/N: Features the events of episode 13

Yayy my lucky number! Also, sorry it's short!

Warnings: Violence, blood, cursing

"Well, well..." began Kakashi as all of you faced Zabuza and his ally. "It seems my prediction was right on the money."

"Prediction?" Tazuna asked beside you.

"That the supposed Anbu who took Zabuza away wasn't really that." You explained.

"I knew it." Sasuke gave a short, derisive laugh.

"So the Elite Shinobi of the Hidden Mist thing was a bald-faced lie!" Tazuna was strangely calm for the situation, but you supposed that was good.

"No matter how you look at him, he's gotta be a comrade of Zabuza." Kakashi said. "Standing together with him and all."

"How dare he show up like this after what he did!" Sakura huffed.

"I hate brats that think they're so cool."

"He's better than you, Kakashi-sensei."

"Oh... really?"

"I'll do it." Sasuke's voice was solemn as he interrupted.

"Huh?" Sakura looked back and forth between you and Sasuke, as if to ask you what he meant.

"With his bad acting... I hate brats who think they're so cool."

Sakura beamed. "You're so cool, Sasuke!"

You lowered your weapon and shook your head in confusion at Sakura. Isn't that what Kakashi just said?

Sasuke's opponent spun toward your group at a dizzying speed, the wind encompassing him like a cocoon.

Sasuke readied himself. They locked kunai.

Kakashi's voice cut through the atmosphere of battle. "Sakura, surround Tazuna and stay close to me. (Y/N), next to me. Let Sasuke handle him!"

"Hai!" You both moved into position.

You never took your eyes off Zabuza as you talked to Kakashi. "Are you able to use your Sharingan?"

He chuckled. "I don't have a choice- wait, what?"

You shifted your eyes to Zabuza's companion. "How is he-?!"

While one of his hands was blocking Sasuke's kunai (using a senbon, of all things!), the other began to sign.

You'd heard of the theory behind one-handed signs before during a lesson with Ebisu when you were Konohamaru's age, but it had always been dismissed as simply that: a theory. Now before your very eyes you witnessed it coming to fruition. Worse yet, you didn't recognize the Jutsu, so you had no idea what was going to happen.

The water rose off the ground and solidified into thin needles, resembling the senbon in the man's hands.

"Sasuke!" Hissed Sakura.

He closed his eyes in concentration, doing what though, you were unsure.

The needles converged upon him, quick and deadly. Sasuke leapt up an impossible height (building up chakra to his feet, you realized) and pitched shuriken one at a time at the enemy. The enemy bounced back, avoiding each weapon, only for Sasuke to reappear right behind him. "You're surprisingly stupid. From here on, you'll only defend my attack!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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