Chapter Two ~ Hiroka's Cousin: Konohamaru

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A/N: Features the events of episode two. I hope I don't lose reads over this. It's a boring chapter, which is why I published chapter three at the same time.

Warnings: Cursing, violence, nudity, boring

You chased after your cousin through the building of the Hokage's office, sincerely regretting bailing him out of yet again another tutoring session. "Konohamaru, you jerk! Get back here!"

He blew a raspberry at you from over his shoulder, knocking over another wooden tabletop as he tried to capture. "No way, 'cos! I'm going to be Hokage someday, and I'll need to practice as much as I can by sneaking up on the old man!"

You inwardly groaned, and leapt over the fallen object. He sounds like Naruto.

Someone caught you by the cuff of your shirt as Konohamaru disappeared around a corner. "Ah, so here's the little pest who keeps interfering with the training I'm giving her cousin!"

"Ebisu," you growled, and elbowed him in the stomach. "Let me go!"

He leaned out of the way, but kept his grip. "Forgive me, Hiroka-chan. I will see to it that Konohamaru is returned to my care. In the meantime, I would suggest, no longer hindering my lessons with him."

You threw up your hands. "Fine! I don't care. Just tell that brat that he can forget about our little deal." You yanked away from him and marched off.

Ebisu ran past you to track down Konohamaru.

Tch. Baka. You glanced behind yourself and started to pick up what had fallen. Shortly, a cry was heard through the halls:

"Old man! Get ready to fight!" Konohamaru's loud voice assaulted your ears. "I am going to be the Fifth Hokage- Ah!"

Another shout followed a thud, this time by Ebisu. "Are you okay, Honorable Grandson? May I just inform you that there aren't any traps here..."

Unable to resist, you made your way to them. Konohamaru was just accusing Naruto of something when you found your way to Ebisu's side. Your uncle was with one of the shinobi at a desk, meanwhile Naruto was in a chair across the room.

Naruto roughly grabbed Konohamaru's wrist. "You tripped all by yourself, stupid!"

Ebisu ran into the room. "Hey! Let go of him! He is the Honorable Grandson of the Third Hokage!"

Naruto looked back and forth between the tutor and your cousin, lips pressed flat, and eyes narrowed in an uncaring fashion.

Konohamaru smirked. "What's the matter? Weren't you gonna hit me, huh? Can't do it 'cuz I'm the Hokage's grandson, eh?"

Naruto's eyes shot open angrily. "As if I care!" He dropped him and cuffed him hard over the head. "Imbecile!"

A laugh left your lips.

Naruto turned to you surprised. "(Y/N)! Long time no see! Hey, did you see my picture?" He ran over to the desk, and shoved a page of his information with a graduate picture on your face. The image was hideous, frankly. His face was curled into an attempt at an intimidating snarl, coated in white paint and decorated with red swirls. In your opinion, he looked like a fish-cake reject that grew a face and limbs.

"Oh, do you really want this as your I.D. picture?"

"Yeah! I look awesome!"

You handed the page back to him. "You certainly look interesting, that'd for sure."

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