Chapter 4 ~ Pass Or Fail: Survival Test

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A/N: Features the events of episode four.

I switched up the order in which Kakashi has Group Seven introduce themselves for convenience of the story.

Above is the hilarious scene in which Kakashi pokes Naruto in the... well, you'll see. ;)

Warnings: Cursing, violence, mention of adult novels, Kakashi making a possible innuendo, KAKASHI'S SEXY LAUGH-

After lunch, you all filed back into the classroom. One by one, each of the Jonin mentors came and took their group until it was only your group left.

Naruto groaned as he peered around the door. "He's late."

"Naruto!" Sakura leaned against the front of a desk. "Stay still."

"Why's it that only our squad leader's late?"

"Maybe they had something to talk about with the Hokage." You were sitting near Sasuke on a bench.

Naruto pointed at you. "Shouldn't you know? He's your uncle!"

Sakura's mouth parted in surprise. "You're the Hokage's niece?"

You shifted in the seat. "Grandniece, and it's not something I like to advertise."

"The question is how someone as dumb as Naruto was able to figure that out." Sasuke's voice bled with irritation.

Naruto looked between you and Sasuke, smirk creeping onto his face. "Hiroka and I are best friends! Ain't that right, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, best friends."

Sakura sent you a sympathetic smile.

A stool was dragged across the floor by Naruto so he could position a chalkboard eraser between the shoji and the doorframe.

Sakura stood up. "What are you doing?!"

Naruto snickered. "It'll be his fault 'cause he's late."

"Man, you're asking for it!"

You placed your head against the desk. Naruto has a thing for payback... I should've guessed.

Sasuke scoffed. "A Jonin wouldn't get caught in such a weak booby trap."

Sakura nodded. "That's right. You're such an idiot..!"

A gloved hand appeared in the sliding door and pushed it aside as a man walked through. As if in slow motion, the eraser bounced off his head full of silvery-white hair and landed on the floor. The silence that pervaded the classroom was full of mutual shock, disbelief, and hilarity.

Naruto burst into laughter, shoving his finger toward the Jonin mentor. "I got him, I got him!"

Even you couldn't help the soft chuckle that left your lips.

Sakura held her hands at her chin, an embarrassed blush spreading across her pale cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, sir! I tried to stop him, but Naruto did it all on his own..."

You could tell that inwardly she was ecstatic Naruto's childish trick had worked.

Sasuke stayed silent.

A flash of recognition pulsed through your mind, a sobering reality that made you straighten up. That's Kakashi Hatake, the Copycat Ninja!

Kakashi leaned down and picked up the eraser. He stared at it with his half-lidded eye, then rubbed his chin thoughtfully. You watched the form of his lips as they moved behind the fabric of his mask. "Hm... How should I put this? As for my first impression of you guys...? Well, I hate you."

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