Gotta love shitty pick-up lines, and the men they come from

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-Herc POV-

"Baby you okay?"

He freezes at that, a strangled sounding sob coming from his throat as I wrap my arms tighter around him and rest his head back against my chest. I can feel his breathing, choppy and hurried, a soft sniffle coming as he attempts to play it off.

"I- I'm sorry H-Herc I didn't mean to w-wake you. Go back to sleep."

It's four AM. I'm tired as fuck. The offer is tempting. 

But I can't leave my Laffy like this.

"I know you. The minute I let you push this out of the way you're going to shut it down and refuse to talk about it. Let's just talk about it now and get you feeling better-"

"H-hypocritical much?"

"Laff come on don't be like that. You know how Sarah treated anything with-"

"You think my father was that much better? I had Washington and he saved me, you got to share him not that long after. You don't get to ridicule me for not wanting to talk to you when you don't trust me yourself."

"What the fuck- Laff I trust you more than anyone else. I trust you more than myself!"

"Just let it go Herc. Let me go while you're at it. Just- fuck this. Go to bed. I'm going to the couch so I'm not such a bother for you. Maybe I'll have a shower while I'm at it. Or take the bike out. I'll see you in the morning, have a good sleep."

He's able to slip away from me and my still only semi-conscious state, cussing when I'm able to grab onto his wrist and hold firm. I don't trust Laff in this mindset, especially sleep deprived and high from Christmas excitement. 

I honestly also just want my bedtime snuggles right now.

"You need sleep Laff. You need to calm down."

"Wow what an amazing solution! Just calm down. I suppose I need to just be happy too. Look on the bright side! While I'm at it should I just be healthy? I mean I have so much blood, I'm really being rather selfish staying diseased."

I don't say anything. Can't bring myself to, seeing the look in his eyes. Just let him have a small fit-sized speech that's ninety percent French and likely at least as much cussing. 

Pissed Laff is rare, you just gotta give him time to exhaust himself before he switches back to emotionally broken Laff for approximately an hour. After that he'll pass out and be 'fine'.

The whole rant takes a full ten minutes and I understand practically none of it.

"You... you feeling any better honey?"

"No Herc no I'm not I'm sorry I lost it please don't be mad-"

"It's okay honey, do what you need to get it out. I'm not mad. Just- you ready to talk yet?"

"Please don't make me."

I drag his ass back into bed, laying so I can keep his head on my chest.  At the very least his speech has slowed back down to comprehensible English. 

"I- I'm starting to understand John. Old John. S-suicidal John."

"I- fuck."

"I'm s-so sorry-"

"No no no, none of that. No need to be sorry. Just- want you feeling okay. You've been off lately. Laff this is why you need to talk to me- you said you were fine. Promised you were happy. If you had been honest maybe we could've- maybe you'd be better. I want you happy. Not pretending to be happy, genuinely happy."

An Ocean Away (Mullette- Laff x Herc)Where stories live. Discover now