Mon amour

93 7 118

-TW: I'm hurting them all again-

Here it is, the next 4755 words. 

1800 of which were pure hell to write.

How many death threats is this chapter going to bring upon me?

-Herc POV-

"Thanks Herc."

"Yeah, I got you babe."

I smile down at the man in my arms, I insisted he be carried for the next while.

Our tour was cut short. I'm not letting my husband do anything when he's stressed like this.

"I'm really okay though love. It's all long gone. I can walk."

"And I can carry you."

I stick out my tongue and give him a quick kiss on the nose. Laff just snuggles closer against my chest. Damn that's precious.

"So. What went down earlier that got Laff worried like this?"

"There may have been some passive-aggressive comments."

"You two had to be held back by Martha, Madison, and I in the middle of a KFC. I'd say it was more than passive aggressive comments."

"Maybe there were also some straight-up aggressive comments."



Laff's dads hang their heads from their spot on the couch as I pace in front of them. I've decided a family meeting is necessary to sort out whatever this mess is.

Madison is sitting next to Martha, sharing popcorn as I stare at Laff's fathers. The youngest of children have been temporarily removed.

"Shame on you. Shame on you both. You two need to get along. Laff wants both of you to be apart of his life, so you will figure out how to make that happen. Now, fix this mess."

"I'm sorry I said you were a terrible person for leaving your son all alone in America and rejecting him and completely forgetting about him. That was very very wrong."

"And I'm sorry I left him to be picked up by you."

Laff is once again crying in my arms as his fathers glare at each other.

He's fragile. The stress of everything weighing down on him to the point where the slightest trigger sets him to tears.

"Laffy, babe I've got you. And we're going to figure out how to make these two behave. Okay love?"

There's a small nod from the man in my arms as I give the top of his head a quick kiss, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as I do it again and again until he lets out a weird giggle, distorted due to the fact he's crying.

But he smiled, so good enough. 

"Now, you two. We're going to try again. Sincere apologies."

"I still don't see why I have to apologize to him. He started this mess!"

"No, you started it all 9 years ago when you gave up on your son. And you restarted it by trying to take him back."

"Stop it! Stop this right now! This rivalry is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, and I lived with John for a year. You both want what's best for your son, right?"

There's a nod, the two of them still refusing to take their eyes off each other.

"Then act like it. Because you two have made him cry twice in the last hour and a half."

An Ocean Away (Mullette- Laff x Herc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz