🎵 You gotta die sometime 🎵

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Oh god, what the fuck even is this- Yeah I have no medical knowledge, apologies. This entire medical diagnosis terms and shit is a joke, it will not make any coherent sense.

-Laff POV-

My husband shifts, my head moving with him as he wakes back up and looks around the waiting room. I don't know how he's managed to sleep, but he needs it. 

"Nrggggh. Oh, holy fucking shit, Laffy, did you get any sleep?"

I shake my head quickly as I get off of Herc where I was leaning and curl up in a ball, I've been cycling through positions all night while he slept. Nothing is comfortable.

James comes back from his chat with the doctor with a small smile as my husband wipes at his face, still looking tired as hell.

"We can go in-"

I'm out of my seat before he can finish, racing into the room as my husband and James trail behind.

"Herc- my god, Herc, our son-"

"I know baby, I know."

Something in me snaps as I look at the resting form on the bed, leaving me crumpling to the floor until Herc drags my limp body into one of the chairs. The tears that feel like they haven't stopped for almost 24 hours come harder as I hide in my husband's chest.

Mads still isn't awake.


How fucking soon?

"My god, Herc, I'm so scared. He must have been so scared. That's our son. My brave beautiful boy."

"Honey baby, it's okay. He'll pull through."

"You don't know that!"

"Yes I do."

It's Herc, James, Thomas and the kids here at the hospital this morning. Herc, James and I the only ones in the room right now. Thomas has the kids with him in the hallway, we didn't want them to have to see Madison like this.

Hell, I don't want to see Madison like this either.

Tears streaming down my face as I shift out of the uncomfortable ass chair where I've managed to sit for five whole minutes and start my pacing, hands pulling at my hair as the boys share a look.

"Laff. It's been all night. Please can you sleep for a bit?"


"Hercules is right-"

"See if I fucking care! That, that right there is my son. And his life is on the line. I will not be taking a nap until we are all back home and I know for sure he's safe!"

"There was a lot of blood loss and the doctors aren't sure when he'll even be awake. It's better if he's asleep because his body needs to heal. And as for you, Lafayette, you really should be sleeping at some point-"

"James shut the fuck up! Your child is safe out there in the hallway while mine took a bullet to the chest! You do not get to tell me what I need to do."


"Non. Both of you are not helping! All I want is my son. Please, I want my son."

I slide over to the bed, crawling in beside him and running my fingers through his hair in that way he loves. Trying to shift as much of him onto me as I can because I need to hold my baby.

"Hey, Mads. Moms here honey, okay? It's all good. You were so, so fucking brave. Keep fighting son, please keep that spark you have and fan it and use it to stay alive. You gotta hang in there Mads, you gotta wake up. Wake up honey, honey please wake up. Damnit Mads! Wake the fuck up why are you still asleep I need you here. Please-"

An Ocean Away (Mullette- Laff x Herc)Where stories live. Discover now