Is that a yes?

194 13 77

-Laff's POV-

I wake up to a figure looming over me.

"Mornin' Laff."

"Good morning mon amour."

"I'm sorry about last-"

"Shhh. It's best if we don't talk about it."

I sit up on the couch, grabbing onto Herc's hand. 

"I'm just going to go get ready." I walk to the bedroom, grabbing a shirt before heading into our bathroom. I lock the door, even though I rarely bother closing it at all. 

With the water running as hot as it goes, I step into the shower, scrubbing until my skin turns bright red. Once I can't take it anymore I start on my hair, combing through it with my fingers as I add different substances and wash them out. I turn of the tap, giving my head a quick shake.

It's probably been around a half hour by the time I finish with my face, moisturized and some minimal make up. I throw on my clothing, a pride leather jacket from Herc and a T-shirt. After slipping on some skinny jeans I open the door and head to the kitchen, ready to cook breakfast.

"That's taken care of, Laff."

I turn to the table where Hercules sits, two cupcakes in front of him. I grab the one he slides over, looking at the object protruding from the icing. 

It's a ring.

"It might not be the best timing, but I love you Laff, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I already asked Mr. Washing-"

"Oh, shut up!"

I run to his chair, tackling him to the floor. I kiss him, a quick peck on the lips. It feels so right. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself back to him, this time holding on to our kiss for a while.

"Is that a yes?"

"Um- yes!"

I lay down on his chest, I can feel my heart pounding in my own.

"Laff, babe, you're crushing me."

I roll off my boyfriend, my fiancé, and watch him stand up. I right myself as he heads over to the table, washing off the ring in the sink. He slides the silver band onto my finger, and I smile as I roll it around, looking at the little flowers.

"Mon fleur, it's beautiful."

"C'mon Laff, today's our day."

We finish off our cupcakes, a huge grin staying on my face the entire time.

"I have one last thing for you, and then we can head out."

Herc heads off to the bedroom at the same time my phone buzzes in my pocket.

DrunkTurtleboi: did u tell him yet

LargeBaguette: yeah, I told him last night.

DrunkTurtleboi: how'd it go

LargeBaguette: well, he's not my boyfriend anymore.

I decide to screw with John a little, he deserves it after what he said about my motorbike at the party. I hear a loud, consistent ringing from the bedroom.

"Laff, why has John texted and called me 5 times in the last 10 minutes?"

"I'm not sure." I look at my phone which has been left on read for 7 minutes.

Hercules walks back into the room, a box in one arm and his still vibrating phone in the other. He hits pick up, and I hear an ungodly screeching from the other side. 

An Ocean Away (Mullette- Laff x Herc)Where stories live. Discover now