Don't ask questions

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I'd say I'm sorry but we all know that's a lie.

-Madison POV-

There's some incoherent rambling as I hold my phone back a ways from ear. All I've picked up so far is "Sammy" "house" and "help."

"I literally cannot understand you! Slow down a bit George."

"Please- oh, holy fucking shit, buddy boy stop that right now. Not again-"


"Damnit Mads, just come!"

"...fine! I'm on my fucking way, this better be worth my time!"

I hang up, pocketing my phone and taking a look around my room.

The window looks like a good enough option as any.

Hoist myself out one leg at a time and plug the address into google maps. 

What the actual hell am I doing? 

It doesn't matter, all I can hear is the panic in George's voice, cracking between whatever words he was able to make out.

Race along in the direction of Samuels house, listening to the Australian female robot.

Why do they want me here? 

Locate the right block and flip the phone off, stopping myself before barging in the front. It's the middle of the night, after all.

Why would I even run twenty minutes without knowing what they want?

Slip in the open window through the back, hitting my head as I look around the room.

Oh my god.

A tipped chair sits in the centre of the floor.

A broken rope hangs from the ceiling.

George has Samuel in his lap, a thick red mark prominent on the smaller boys neck.


I head to join the two of them, feeling my face grow wet to match George and Samuels. 

There's a terrible coughing noise, blood spilling out of Sam as he grabs a fistful of George's shirt, clutching and unclutching as he shakes. I place a gentle hand on his chest as George carefully wipes away the blood that's trailing down from Sam's mouth.

'Please, please make it stop. Want it to stop, it hurts so much. Please. Please George it hurts. Please help.'

"Sammy, I'm so sorry, but we can't make it stop. I promise you I would if I could, I would take away all of your pain for you, but I can't so you need to hold on. I'm so sorry Sammy."

"What do you want us to do for you right now Sam? What do you need?"

'I just want to die.'

I cry harder as his shaking hands make their way back to George, who's trembling as he rocks him gently.

"No Sammy. No you don't. You don't want that, you want to live okay? I'm going to keep you alive. You need to stay alive for me. If not for yourself, for us. For me."

'I failed. I can't even die right.'

"Good! I'd rather that than you succeed Sammy. I can't lose you. I need you buddy. You aren't going to die because I'm not going to let you! Hang in there Sammy. Please?"

Excellent word choice, George. You just told him to hang in there after-

There's more coughing as George runs a hand through Samuels hair. My turn to wipe away the blood this time, with a bit of difficulty as Sam buries his face in George's chest.

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