History of the CDF

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(Our focus now: Aaron).
Aaron sighed as he sat in the bedroom alone. He wasn't feeling too well so he took a sick day, but was doing some research. "Sick day or not I think I better learn more of CDF's history" he said. He brought up all the file archives including the one containing the information about the CDF team director knight was part of before the silver energon incident. "Now.... To learn more" he said. He started with the files about Anika's original team. "Captain Anika knight, cyber ranger black, 1st officer Darcy Black cyber ranger pink, Cadet Derek Raider cyber ranger silver, Science officer Cathy White cyber ranger yellow, Agent Darkwing, real name unknown, cyber ranger Blue, and Agent Rick cook Cyber ranger Red" read Aaron. He frowned curious and decided to check deeper.

He checked the obvious which was Anika's file. "Wow, she has quite the history" he said. He then read about Rick and Darkwing thinking a moment. "Agent cook must be a teacher now, and Darkwing is MIA" he said. "I know who Cathy is, she's still a scientist even now". He then had both Darcy's file and Derek's file ready. "Darcy is marked disappeared WAT.... But Derek is marked mutiny criminal... Let's see" he said. Meanwhile the mystery bot was focused on Aaron.

"The brains... Let's shake it up" the bot said before going to the four closed capsules. One got opened releasing the brainwashed Bot inside. "You... Track down the green ranger, I'll assist you from here" he said. The bot left to go after Aaron. Meanwhile the team's green ranger paid a visit to Cathy deciding that if he can learn anymore ask one of the former rangers, but he didn't want to disturb Anika. A blonde woman in a lab coat sitting at her desk turned around the moment she heard the door. "Scientist wice?" She asked. Aaron had on a mask so he didn't get anyone sick as he came to her.

"Head scientist..... I was... Wondering if you'd like to talk with me about something" responded Aaron. Cathy looked at him confused. "That is?" She asked. Aaron sighed and showed her her old ranger file. "Tell me about the time you were a cyber ranger" he said. "Crap you found my file" added Cathy. Aaron nodded in response to her. Cathy exhaled a bit and looked at him.

"How about I come with you, I'm not a ranger anymore but I can still fight like one, we can walk and talk" added Cathy grinning. "Well I'm not in best shape due to illness.... But ok" added Aaron rubbing the back of his neck.
Cathy helped him along as the duo headed out and went into this forest part of town. "Oh wow" added Aaron stunned. "One of my favorite places to go when I want a vacation" added Cathy. The duo walked looking around. "Well, since you did say you wanted info, I was as you know the brains of my CDF team I was on" added Cathy. Aaron smiled getting excited to learn more info.

"What was that like?" Asked Aaron. "Well other then the fact it was important it was so fun and exhilarating" stated Cathy. "Here's the honest truth, I too had Bumblebee for my zord, but I mean, he's one of the best in his field so I'm not surprised that he's back and now is the zord to Sophia" stated Cathy. Aaron was shocked hearing this and looked. "You mean a CDF zord can be shared?" He asked. Cathy nodded a bit. "Yeah Cliffjumper is also a shared one, our red ranger had him too" she said. Aaron was shocked a bit.

"Who else was in this group?" He said. "Just humor me" he added. "Blue ranger had another seeker, Thundercracker, Anika had prowl, Darcy had Override actually... And... Derek... Was..." Cathy trailed off not wanting to discuss it. "I saw the file... He betrayed you all didn't he?" Responded Aaron coughing a little. Cathy sighed and looked over. "Worse, he was corrupted by his own zord that led to the betrayal" she said. Aaron froze hearing that and looked at Cathy wide eyed. "His was Megatron, Megatronus's descendent" added Cathy.

Aaron was wide eyed and pulled back. "You're joking right?" He asked. Cathy looked at him not showing any sign of a smile or humor. "Does it look like I'm laughing?" She asked. Aaron was stunned by the news, but before he could continue both heard an explosion. "That's not good" added Cathy. The duo ran to have a look and gasped. A team of Con-structs had caused an explosion in a nearby building before attention was turned to the duo.

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