Sound of Identity part 3

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The megazord was in the fight with Crazybolt and Slicedice before they were able to defeat the duo. However on demerge every ranger took back control except Anika. Starscream exhaled before he used the power of the silver energon to split himself and Anika. On result from it he took on a different paint job while Anika stood sharing uniform of the same colors. The other rangers were shocked in result. "Ok I did not realize they could do that" added Serge. "Same" responded the other 3 rangers. Anika exhaled suddenly having eye color matching the same optics of Starscream.

"Then you all have the truth, I kept this alter look given this version was dead with a superpower similar to what your humans would call phasing...a thing ghosts do" Anika suddenly said revealing it was Starscream talking. "Ok now I'm creeped out, but Nick you did say you figured things out" added Sophia. Aaron took a scan and blinked shocked. "Don't be freaked, they have to do it like this because the bond with the director is how Starscream can stay on this plane while dead, knight's phantom coded and the silver energon aggravated it" he added. The group was stunned with a simple nod indicating Aaron was correct. "But I promised I'd tell you information, Commander black's.... Condition". The group waited to hear, Nick the most. " Anika did not know anything, it was one of the times she was unconscious and I was not sane taking control...but... There is an old friend to one of my alts who happened to find me and put me temporarily thinking clear " added Starscream.

Aaron checked history files and nodded. "Swindle the minicon" he said. "Exactly, swindle mentioned finding a human female in a cavern of dark energon but she was exposed to too much of its power". "Once we investigated the situation... Scans revealed it was Commander black, but she suddenly had connected to Soundwave". " Best guess the place she fell connected to Soundwave's prison in the dark dimension causing him to find his way back through saving her from the dark energon" added Starscream through Anika. Nick exhaled and stepped forward. "Starscream.... Director knight, Soundwave told me that she's been badly poisoned, even if he could give control to her she won't be able to stay human form for long and jump back to Soundwave in control" he said. The group was shocked hearing him.

"Soundwave and I don't exactly get along but we did serve the same master before I defected, when you all knocked me back to sense that's when I told the truth to Anika.... She doesn't want her hopes up, but.... She wanted to believe that there's a chance I'm right" added Starscream. Everyone looked over at Nick for any other information. "Hate each other or not, right now we have a common enemy... He doesn't like Steeljaw running the show i...I told him everything we've been doing... I couldn't read his expression, but he commanded Laserbeak to give some kind of warning to Steeljaw?" Added Nick scratching his head. The others were concerned a bit. "Then... We need to find him... And find a way to stabilize the dark energon poison like how director knight found hers between her and Starscream" stated Sophia worried. Anika/Starscream sighed looking worried as well. "Yes.... There is that". Aaron got up immediately getting an idea.

"Director remembers who made her plexiglass eyepiece when you and her poison by energon was still unstable?" Asked Aaron. That seemed to make Starscream chuckle a bit. "Of course, it was your head scientist" responded Anika/Starscream. "She may have ideas to help Commander Black". Everyone nodded deciding to visit Cathy a moment. At the base Cathy was shocked to hear that Darcy was alive, but sad to hear she needs a stabilizer. " Unlike Anika who only needed it on her eye this is going to require a device for the whole body, so this is a big order, however, I could probably have an advantage if I had a shard of dark energon " added Cathy. "And Soundwave needs to be here".

The rangers looked at each other. "Then we know our mission, we have to enter the belly of the beast and get Soundwave" added Serge. The group gulped, but nodded. "And the chasm of dark energon or save a sample from one of the brainwashed bots or mega form Decepticons" stated Anika. They headed out to go search down the dark energon and Soundwave. On cue when the rangers arrived at the chasm first they gasped finding themselves trapped by Steeljaw. "Well well, a good call that they'd come here, seems that torture on Soundwave worked" added another decepticon revealing to be Chop shop. "There" added Aaron seeing Soundwave trapped nearby.

"You are going to regret this Steeljaw" added Serge. "Yeah I would, but who's the one that's trapped, then again I like a fair challenge" added Steeljaw. "So how about a little exchange, you win, Soundwave is yours, any of my bots win, I take your energon shard". The rangers growled but Anika looked up. " You'll learn that was a bad deal, let's do it" she said. Without the cons knowing though the team has Mirage and Cathy follow and sneak by to the dark energon. "N͛o͛.... D͛o͛n͛'t͛..." Started Soundwave. The foursome were released and morphed immediately.

"No time for speeches" added Serge. Steeljaw grinned evilly and snapped his fingers giving the battle to Chop Shop, Polarclaw, Nitra and Filch. "Everyone's on the line.... Let's not fail" added Serge. "Right" added the others. They went into battle with the four Decepticons.

(A/n: the climax is placed! But now to move forward! Final showdown for Soundwave and Commander Black! But the rangers are in for a fight. Anyway hope you all enjoy! The conclusion to this arc coming next chapter!)

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