Sound of identity part 1

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After getting themselves back to full energy the rangers put all information together that they could on who the mystery enemy is that sent these attacks on them plus keep Nick protected. "Let's see, we're looking for a land vehicle transformer who knows about all the alternate universes including those connected to Starscream, where does that leave us?" Asked Serge. "Well considering the other universes one factor in some of them is Sideways and Thrust, those two play by their own rules" stated Anika. "Except only Sideways becomes a land vehicle, a motorcycle, there's not really any fitting one in the universe the alt Skywarp was from" stated Aaron checking information. "Outside that since a lot of Autobots have been brainwashed we can't count out the chance it's Optimus Prime, or rather his decepticon personality stated by some evil humans known as Nemesis Prime" stated Sophia finding information. Serge was making notes at Sideways and Optimus Prime being possible options. "Add Soundwave to that list, there's versions of Soundwave that don't become something that flies, and he and Starscream don't have the best history" stated Anika. The group was thinking now having three options written down.

"Can we think of anyone else who could do this and be a land vehicle?" Asked Aaron. Serge thought it over trying to recall what he's learned and nodded writing three more possibilities down. The group then noticed though, that Anika seemed distracted. "Director you ok?" Asked Aaron. "Huh, well I'll be fine" added Anika. She clearly didn't want to talk to them about something, but out of respect choose to not talk to her about it. They heard the alarm and the rangers minus Anika took off to handle it. Anika though was HQ tactics with Strongarm.

Meanwhile finally back to Steeljaw, the decepticon chuckled a bit. "And this enemy is why I'm the main issue". " I prefer it". He heard noises nearby and looked in that direction seeing Shockwave. "What do you want?" He asked. Shockwave came to him, but had a trapped decepticon with him. "Well well well the elusive Soundwave" he said. *Y͛o͛u͛ a͛r͛e͛ a͛ d͛i͛s͛g͛r͛a͛c͛e͛ t͛o͛ t͛h͛e͛ d͛e͛c͛e͛p͛t͛i͛c͛o͛n͛s͛ S͛t͛e͛e͛l͛j͛a͛w͛, M͛e͛g͛a͛t͛r͛o͛n͛ s͛h͛o͛u͛l͛d͛'v͛e͛ n͛e͛v͛e͛r͛ r͛e͛c͛r͛u͛i͛t͛e͛d͛ y͛o͛u͛* stated Soundwave.

"Megatron is dead old timer, I'm bringing in a new age of Decepticons". " And the only reason why I haven't had anyone kill you yet is because you're one of the best in your field and outmatch all these other low levels" added Steeljaw. He chuckled lifting the con's face up to look at him. "And you don't have a choice.... Especially since you are now connected to a human yourself" he added. Soundwave didn't react to Steeljaw so emotion was hard to explain. "Frankly.... You get the situation" added Steeljaw pulling away. Soundwave didn't respond and looked away. "Much better... You were less annoying when silent" added Steeljaw.

Back with the rangers the team noticed Anika seemed distracted. "Penny for your thoughts director?" Asked Serge. "Sorry.... It's... Private" added Anika looking down. "Well we will be listening when you tell us" added Sophia. Everyone frowned when Anika disappeared into the office. "I'm not buying it" added Aaron. "Ditto" added the other rangers. Aaron pulled up the files of the last CDF rangers getting an idea.

"What if it's to do with the missing member?" Asked Aaron showing the file of Darcy Black. Serge, Nick and Sophia sat with him. "How the hell did you get access?" Asked Nick. "My boss in the science department is one of the former rangers" added Aaron. The others were stunned hearing that as well. "Ok I'm actually jealous" added Serge. Sophia giggled and hugged everyone. The group read over the file and gasped.

"Oh god that explains it....." Added Sophia. "Agent Black was Director Knight's girlfriend, and the anniversary of the day she vanished is coming up" added Serge quietly. They felt bad but then gasped looking at each other. "Could this be linked to seeing Soundwave's minions"? Asked Aaron. Before anyone could answer the group heard the alert. The foursome headed to a location soon joined by Anika. " Con-structs but no con? " asked Serge. The group got fighting though confused.

"Form on the director, keep her guarded" added Serge. "Me?" Asked Anika. The group helped her out before Aaron looked over. "Sorry director you can lecture head scientist White later, I saw the files and showed them" he apologized. Anika sighed a bit. "Very well, I see your call and know how I am" she said. The group fought together easily taking down the con-structs. "Anyone feel too suspicious?"asked Sophia.

The group gasped hearing something nearby before Nick looked down. " guys run the ground is cracking!" He yelled. Everyone ran and jumped seeing the ground start to give away but Nick fell through. "NICK!" yelled Serge. Nick landed on the ground cringing in pain. The team gasped looking in. "Nick are you ok?!" Exclaimed Sophia. Nick coughed and slowly got up but was in pain.

"I'll be fine, maybe a sprain" called Nick. "Cadet quail this is very high so I don't think we can get you out immediately will you be able to find a way out?!" Added Anika. Nick looked around and whistled seeing caves all around him. "There's caves down here, I'll try to see if one leads back!" He called. His team decided to start a search on the surface at the same time. Except they all were watched as Rumble rejoined Soundwave. "One of the rangers is trapped and injured" he said. Soundwave nodded slowly.

"We'll take the weak one who's hurt first" he said before the duo left to enter the cave system.

(A/n: This concludes part 1 of 4 in this arc. They're separated but still will work together. However Soundwave may have plans of his own. Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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