Chapter 20- going back to the old stuff

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I had already fallen back into the old routine even though it had only been a week. I had refused to read anything about one direction and their tour. We continued to do swing in dance class, even my partner seemed a little less gross. I was missing them. I didn’t know what to do with myself I couldn’t stay in one place too long, I couldn’t tell Caroline what happened without having to cry at least once. I usually hung out at the university just so I wouldn’t have to be in Caroline’s sympathetic eye all the time. I was currently sitting in one of the many study room mostly by myself. There were a few other people there but not many they weren’t paying attention to me I think one has fallen asleep. I checked my phone seeing it to be almost six; Caroline would wonder where I was. She had given me my space but I knew at some point I would have to spill the whole story so she could understand. Christmas was approaching and honestly I didn’t want to go to Caroline’s house with her happy family. I wanted to go home but that wasn’t a possibility. I put all of my folders back in my one shoulder bag and stood up pushing the chair back into the table. I walked through the campus looking at the old stone buildings. Our flat building was literally right off the campus I could see the campus from my window clearly. I walked across the damp grass and into the building from the side door too lazy to walk around to the front door. I walked up the stairs preparing myself for Caroline. I unlocked the door and walked in finding Caroline in the kitchen cooking something

“hey!” she called from the kitchen loudly

“hi” I said walking into the kitchen setting my bag down on the bar

“how was your day?” she asked doing a bad job at hiding her observing of me

“it was good kind of busy you?” I asked pulling myself up onto the counter

“it was good” she said nodding and going back to her dish on the stove

We sat in silence, it was defiantly awkwardly silent but honestly I didn’t care. We sat at the table when she finally broke the silence

“Ok you have to tell me I think it will help you, you have to at least tell someone” she reasoned

“Fine” I sighed sitting up to tell my long story


When I finished my story Caroline sat back with a thoughtful expression. I wanted her to say something, anything really just to tell me I wasn’t crazy that I missed him. I was mad at myself because I let him slip away but what was I supposed to do? Keep him from the world?  That would selfish so no. I sighed taking our dishes into the kitchen. Caroline followed still thinking

“Wow” was all she said after a few minutes

I laughed softly

“No really wow that’s a lot for one person” she told me her eye brows high on her head

“Yeah” I agreed softly wiping my hands off from washing the dishes, I leaned against the counter waiting for some godly advise that Caroline was sure to offer me

“Honestly I don’t blame you, when you two looked at each other there was some definite chemistry and if you haven’t forgotten we live about three blocks away from them” she pointed out

I thought for a second “but he isn’t going to be there until after the tour” I told her

“True but you will see him again you just have to wait all good things come to those who wait” she told me and went to her room without another word

I sat at the table kind of confused well I did kind of feel better. I sighed deciding to lock Liam and all of them in a little box and slowly forget about them. I walked slowly into my room turning lights out as I went. I almost missed Harry’s over protectiveness of me, almost.

The Dancer **1D fanfic(editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt