Chapter One- New Everything

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                                         I loaded the last of my bags into the car with a heave and pushed the back door closed, I was going out of the country. I was going all the way across the ocean to England, or is it Great Britain? They call themselves British, right? So confusing. I was leaving my small little Oklahoman town and going there alone, with only my clothes for company. I had already Skyped with my new flat mate, Caroline. She is the sweetest thing ever. She is British and her accent is very adorable. She has OCD but I have always been a clean person so it shouldn’t be too bad. We will both be attending the same Dance and Music College but I have very little music talent. I played the piano and guitar but that’s about it. My parents were at work like always. We were a happy family; it was just a little different environment. My parents drive me crazy but, doesn’t that happen to everyone? I was going to miss them but especially my brother, we have a special relationship. I swear we are twins even though he is two and a half years older than I am. When I broke my arm he had weird arm pains the whole time I was wearing a cast and when he broke his foot in Florida I got these weird foot pains. We haven’t always gotten a long but the distance between us while he has been at college made our relationship stronger. I got into my CRV, blasting the air conditioner to expel the summer heat. I rolled down the window while Lucas, my brother, got into the driver’s seat. I could drive, I loved driving actually but we didn’t want to leave my car at the airport for a year while I was away. I would be able to come back for the summer but I couldn’t come back for Christmas or thanksgiving. Luckily, Caroline had introduced her family to me over Skype and they said I was welcome with them. I had a little party with my best friends last night and was starting to feel it. We hadn’t gotten drunk or done drugs or anything but we stayed up late and danced like no other. I was going to miss them like crazy. We met our freshmen year of high school and are still friends. Two went to Virginia Tech and one to Oklahoma State University but I got accepted to the fancy dance school in Britain/England. My mom told me that when I get there I had to take a billion pictures for her. “When I get there,” it seemed so far away. I looked into my carry-on bag to make sure I had everything: cell phone, check. Book, check. Tickets, check. And One Direction magazine, check. Lucas smirked at me while he drove along the highway

“You know, I’ll really miss you” he said smiling

“I’ll miss you to! I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun at Florida and forget all about me!”

“Forget my baby sis? When she’s out in the big bad world? Never.” he gasped sarcastically but I knew he meant it.

I just smiled, I was NOT crying, I will NOT cry. I repeated to myself over and over again as we pulled up to the airport. Jackson helped me drag my numerous suitcases to the bag check in and with one last hug I was on my own. I quickly walked to the security station. I took a quick picture and put it on twitter with the caption “I’m going now... I’ll miss you Oklahoma!” I turned my phone off as the lady checked my ticket and ushered me on. I dumped all of my belongings into the bucket and took off my belt, jacket and class ring then stepped through the scanner. A man told me to step out onto the mat and wait for my bucket to come. I felt as though I was getting dressed twice today but I was too excited to care. I tugged on my jacket and belt hurrying to my gate. Right as I walked into the little waiting area the worker announced

“Flight 6F is now boarding, everyone on boarding group ‘A’ please step forward” I had to check my ticket, yep, group A.

My parents were paying for my ticket and pretty much everything I was doing in England so I got first class. The plane was going from Oklahoma to New York then across the ocean to England where Caroline will be waiting for me. She had given me a tour of our flat via Skype but I was still excited to see it in person. She was at school for interior design and from what I saw the flat was very well decorated and organized with the latest decor. I pushed my bag under the seat as an elderly lady sat down next to me. She has to have at least a few million based on her looks. She had on this giant fur coat even though it was the middle of summer and big sun glasses. I felt like I should know her but I couldn’t fit a name with her wrinkled face. She looked at me and smiled kindly, so a nice billionaire, this is too much luck for one person something bad is about to happen. I looked around for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing I could see was wrong but it wasn’t like I was Sherlock Holmes or anything.

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