Chapter 22- Begin Again

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                Caroline would be coming home today, I was excited to see her again and start school once again. I had been lonely all by myself I considered getting a puppy but once the break was over I would be too busy to take care of it. I still wanted one because who doesn’t want a puppy? If I had seen anyone selling puppies in front of pet stores it would have gotten me and I would have at least looked for one but it had been too cold for that kind of stuff. I didn’t go up to Caroline’s house for New Year’s like I had promised because the roads were iced over keeping us apart but I the college put on a little party that was okay. Caroline was supposed to be getting home at three so I baked a cake and put a banner up just because I had nothing to do. I went to the dance studio and practiced a little but it wasn’t much fun by myself. I still got a lot done I just didn’t enjoy myself it killed some time though so that has to count for something. It was only two thirty so I flipped through the TV keeping an eye out for a black car to appear on the curb signaling Caroline’s homecoming. Finally it was three and she still wasn’t here the roads were slick so she is probably going slower. Right when I started to worry her car appeared and I hurried turning all the lights off and hiding near the coffee table. I heard the door open and saw the light in the foyer turn on I popped up

“Surprise!” I grinned jumping over the couch to say hello to my roomie

“I missed you!” she whined into my hair while we clung to each other

“I’ve missed you to!” I told her squeezing her to death

She was never allowed to leave again, ever. I realized that she was all alone when I went on tour and felt bad but pushed the thought out of my mind

“How have you been?” she asked later while I helped her unpack

“I’ve been okay kind of lonely” I told her not liking where this was going

“You know, if you contacted them they would probably let you join the tour, you have amazing talent and-“

“I don’t want to” I said firmly not wanting to be mean but I wanted to stop talking about it

“yes you do I can see it in your eyes and you know it to, I know you want to stay at college but you are already an amazing dancer and you’ve said it yourself that you already know all the dances you do in class” she tried reasoning with me

“Caroline can we please just stop talking about this?” I asked rushed I didn’t want to go there I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want it.

“Fine but I want you to think about it, okay now what do you want to do today?” She asked putting her hands on her hips

I thought for a second “we could go for a walk?” I suggested

“Sure! Make sure to dress in layers!” she grinned looking through her closet

I grinned chuckling to myself and went into my room dropping my smile almost immediately as I left the room. I couldn’t believe she brought up the tour I couldn’t even! That is so just…. UHG! I didn’t want to talk about it! I didn’t want to think about it! I didn’t want anything to do with it! I was over it, why couldn’t anyone else see that I wanted to move on?! Why was that so hard to believe?! I snatched up my pillow and threw it at the wall angrily sitting down running my hands harshly through my hair. I wanted someone to be here with me for so long and now that I had someone I wanted to be alone again. I couldn’t just tell Caroline that I didn’t want to spend time with her when I hadn’t seen her for weeks. I sighed putting my pillow back in its proper place and started to layer up putting on layers of jackets after layer after layer. I put on a pair of socks then a loose pair of knitted socks for pretty. I sucked in a deep breath pushing that dreadful tour out of my head and prepared for my walk with Caroline.


The walk hadn’t been that bad, she had dropped the subject of the tour entirely and I actually enjoyed myself. We went out for hot chocolate and got caught up. I had missed her company so much I didn’t even realized how much of a hermit I had turned into until I was describing my home life to her. We climbed up the stairs together and I opened the door. I had a minor tug of war with the door since it wouldn’t let go of the key. Caroline finally had to come and help me

“How did you ever manage without me?” she grinned

“Honestly?” I asked quirking an eyebrow

She nodded smiling a little

“I have no idea” I finished laughing a little

She hugged me one more time before excusing herself. I looked around the spotless apartment and walked into my room. I turned on my computer and looked through my twitter. My whole feed was full of fans asking if Liam and I were together, some hate, and some asking if I was going on the tour. I replied to some and retweeted some random people before logging off. I crawled into bed and looked up at the white ceiling through the darkness; this is where I am supposed to be.


hey lovlies!

           updating this on new year! whoop whoop! okay so i already posted the second book cover enjoy i'll post later love ya!!

                                                                                           -Katherine XOXO

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