Chapter 6- Making Choices

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                We sit down at a long circular table that had packets in front of the five chairs we are suppose to sit at.

“Boys, it’s time to pick your ten dancers, okay? In this packet there is a picture of each of the dancers and their names, it will be a hard choice but chose wisely!” one of the people in charge told us

I opened the packet and found it was in alphabetical order by last names, crap. I didn’t know Sammie’s last name or else I would have just skipped to her. Each of us will pick ten then we compare and contrast the ones we choose. All of the photos looked to be professionally taken. I flipped through the pages remembering different dancers as I went and wrote down their names. Finally I came to Sammie. Her last name is Conway and her real name is Samantha. I think that’s a pretty name but Sammie seems to fit her better. Her picture was her senior picture, I noticed she had blue streaks in her hair but I could swear her hair was purple the other day, the picture was of her in red skinny jeans, a fancy ruffled top and ankle heels, she was standing on some kind of rock thing that looked difficult to get on to, she was holding a rope in one hand loosely with a smirk on her beautiful face. I wrote down her name and underlined it and put a star to the right of her name and just for good measures I circled it, there, I thought flipping the page.


After three hours of looking through the packet and arguing who to take with us we finally had our ten. There was only one boy in our ten but he was good so we thought it seemed like a good idea. At the other school we went to there had been more male dancers rather than women dancers. Tomorrow, we will go to the classes that have our dancers in them and tell them the good news. I was excited to see Sammie again and played it out in my head what would happen: she would be really excited and come hug me, she would hug me first then group hug the rest of the boys. It probably wouldn’t happen like that but, I can hope can’t I? I was excited for tomorrow really, really excited. We never get to have dancers with us on our tours, even though this is an experimental tour, it is still exciting.

Sammie’s P.O.V

                I finally made it to dance class. At some points in my day I wasn’t sure if I would survive the five hours of pure torture. I walked in going to the changing rooms and changed into Nike shorts, a t-shirt, and my dance shoes. I put some tape on my ankles because they had been a bit sore lately. Kara was already changed and busy stretching her long legs. Once everyone had stretched Mrs. Hughes came in and said “hi” then left the room, where does she go? We stood in our normal circles but I turned when I felt eyes on my back. One of the guys from the ‘other’ group was staring straight at me shamelessly. Even when I looked at him he kept looking at me. I couldn’t control the shiver than ran up my spine. I just do that when people stare at me. Such as yesterday during the private dance lesson, I couldn’t get it out of my head that someone was watching me, I think I shivered at least five times. I turned around again ignoring him. I’m not sure why this college was so into cliques. In Oklahoma we had some cliques but they weren’t closed off and violent like here.  I pulled up on my Nike shorts feeling self-conscience since the creep was still looking at me. Mrs. Hughes came back into the studio clapping her hands lightly to get our attention.

“Okay, let’s have a nice relaxed class period. I see we have our friend groups all assembled so let’s mix them up!” she said walking in-between the two group instructing who to be partners with who “next week we will have another college come in that has an all-male dance class. They will be here every day next week so we can both study partner dances, even though some of you may know how to do partner dances” she said catching my eye “just stay patient and help others” she walked around pulling people together I could already see the glares starting as she paired everyone up.

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