Chapter 7- The Dance Off

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                   I woke up slowly hitting ‘snooze’ until I had twenty minutes to get ready. I hopped into the shower trying to wake myself up a bit by standing under the hot water. After washing myself I got out frowning at the mirror while doing my hair which seemed intent on keeping waves in it. After a while I gave up and put some water on it again so it would be wavy. After doing my makeup and getting dressed I walked out to kitchen sleepily and got a beagle covered in cream cheese, mushing it into my mouth before going back into my room to brush my teeth and get my bag ready. Caroline and I walked to the university together talking about random things that came up randomly.


 Today had been extremely boring in all of my classes but I had been excited for dance class and now it was here! I changed quickly and put the tape on my ankles, swing was hard on them. I stretched out and did some practice moves. When Kara got done changing I helped her stretch and we talked about our dances and how we think we will do.

“Class!” Mrs. Hughes yelled to get our attention “as you all know, today we will be preforming our dances then I have a special surprise for you” she said smiling at all of us creepily

I felt uneasy, my dance was really good but if I messed up I would never live it down, especially not with all these preps judging me all the time. We went in alphabetical order. Since my last name starts with a ‘C’ I was going to go soon. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach start to get angry with anticipation I swallowed hard, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. She called my name. The familiar beat started and so did I, putting as much personality in as I could while still keeping it the same dance. Once I finished and people clapped for me I stood back by Kara waiting for everyone to finish. Some people didn’t add a lot of personality but some had tiny interesting details that you would need to know some techniques about dancing to see it.  She finally called the last person to dance. Most of us sat on the floor so we didn’t have to stand up the whole time. Once the last person finished and sat down Mrs. Hughes clapped her hands

“Are you guys ready for your surprise?” she asked

We all answer “yes!” excitedly

“Alright come on in guys!” she yelled at the door

Everyone looked confused but looked at the door and in walks One freaking Direction.

Harry’s P.O.V

                We heard Mrs. Hughes yell for us so we entered the room; I couldn’t help but grin when I saw Sammie standing there with her mouth open.

“Okay class,” Mrs. Hughes said after the shocked responses died down “just now and during your private rehearsals we have watched you and picked out the very best dancers who will be accompanying One direction on their tour of the UK and if you are really good and they like working with you, you will have an opportunity to go on tour with them.  Now get into a line and when we call your name step forward… Can we be in alphabetical order please?” she asked after pausing for thought

They got into a line and I couldn’t help but grin at them. I tried not to stare at Sammie but it was hard. She had pursed lips and wouldn’t look at us, only at the teacher. The teacher started calling out names, some girls didn’t smile but stepped forward. When Sammie’s name was called she didn’t step forward at first but frowned deeply then stepped forward.

“Alright” the teacher said once the names had been called out “this is the-“

“Excuse me Mrs. Hughes?”

“Yes Sammie?”

“Can I please be switched with someone else in the class?” she asked still refusing to look at us

I was shocked, no! She couldn’t do that! I specifically asked for her! She can’t just leave that easily!

“Well Sammie, don’t you want to think about this?” The teacher asked confused

“No, I have already thought about it and I don’t want to leave the college” she said certainly

“Are you afraid to travel?” the teacher asked confused

I didn’t really understand that, Sammie came all the way from the U.S, she couldn’t be afraid to travel.

“No, I just want to stay here and study dance” she stated obdurately

“Sammie let’s talk in the hallway” the teacher said gesturing for her to follow

She walked out following the teacher. I frowned deeply this just wasn’t okay.

We waited for ten minutes, then twenty, then thirty. Until they finally walked in, Sammie glared at us but stood in the line of people who were going with us. I mentally did a happy dance.  Another girl in the line stepped forward, great, another person who doesn’t want to go on tour with us.

“Mrs. Hughes?” she asked “what about the swing dancing partners?”

Oh, that wasn’t expected but I guess it was better than not wanting to go on tour with us.

“We are pushing it back until you guys get back, now, for those who were picked. Go to your dorm or flat, pack, and then meet the dancers’ tour buses parked outside your complex. If you are at the university they will wait in the South parking lot” the teacher instructed as they dispersed

I watched Sammie walk over to her bag picking it up grumpily, and walked out but she didn’t walk outside, she walked into the singing room. I walked out into the hallway and leaned against the wall to hear what was happening in the classroom.

“Sorry, can I borrow Caroline for a minute?” I heard Sammie asked

I rushed back into the class room to lean on the wall next to the door. I heard them walk out

“Hey Sammie what’s wrong?” the Caroline person asked

“I got picked to go on a tour of the UK with One Direction as a dancer” she grumbled

“Oh that’s great and you-“ she paused “oh. I see, well uhm I’ll miss you and good luck”

“Thanks I have to go pack so I guess this is goodbye for now,” Sammie sighed

I supposed they hugged because there was some shuffling then Sammie walked away and I heard the door open and close for the music room. I walked back over to the boys standing by Louis who was checking himself out in a mirror on one of walls.


Hey Lovlies!

             I hope you are enjoying the story! I don't really have much to say buti  haven't left a note in a while so yeah! I won't bite you if you leave a comment... Bahahaha....... Why don't eggs tell jokes?

They crack themselves up!

aaahhhhhh okay.... Well that's pretty EGGciting.... Okay i need sleep so bbyyyeeeeee!

                                                                                                     -Kat XOXO

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